The Boston liberals are whining again


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This story ran on page A14 of the Boston Globe on 12/31/1999. I can't supply the URL as they want $1.50 to retreive it and I won't contribute a nickle to those bozos.
Classic liberal b/s -- you'll find lots of goodies. [g]

"Gun Industry Promoting Sales on Implied Peril

By Meg Vaillancourt, Globe Staff, 12/31/1999

Like other industries, gun manufacturers have been aggressively marketing their products as part of the solution to possible millennial madness.

As the millennium has been coming to a close, some gun manufacturers have been selling special weapons, including the Millennium Protector, a custom .45-caliber handgun, and the Y2K Limited Edition AR-15 assault rifle.

Gun control advocates say they are outraged by the suggestion that people need to be well-armed to survive Y2K - especially as public officials at all levels are working to quell fears.

''It's frightening to think they are appealing to people to stockpile arms,'' said Thomas F. Reilly, Massachusetts attorney general. ''It's more than unfortunate, it's irresponsible.''

Gun groups, however, deny that Y2K fears have played a prominent role in promoting gun sales. Nancy Snow, executive director of the Gun Owners Action League, said her group believes increased interest in guns is ''more of a reflection of the good economy than anything else.'' She declined to discuss industry ads promoting gun sales by playing on consumer concerns about massive computer failures.

Yet it's clear that in the run-up to 2000, gun sales have been brisk.

According to the FBI, nearly 10 million Americans requested the instant background checks needed to purchase a gun in 1999. This month alone, more than 1 million Americans requested such checks, surpassing last December's applications by nearly 400,000. In Massachusetts, more than 21,000 people requested checks this month.

And while federal agents saw a sharp decline in background requests after Christmas 1998, no such decline has occurred this year. ''We expected to see a post-Christmas drop-off, but we haven't seen that,'' said Daniel Wells, acting operations manager of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System based in Clarksburg, W. Va.

Wells noted that while federal law requires a background check of a buyer before a gun can be purchased, it does not require a reason for the purchase or limit the number of weapons being bought at one time.

Officials at Springfield-based Smith & Wesson Corp. said ''sales have been very strong this year.'' Like many in the industry, Smith & Wesson officials attribute the surge in sales to consumer concerns over pending gun control measures.

They stressed their company has not marketed weapons with a Y2K-preparedness theme, but shrugged off criticism.

''Why would it surprise anyone when every industry in the country is using Y2K to sell to people,'' said Ken Jourgensen, spokesman for Smith & Wesson. ''There are people who are concerned about their security, and, right or wrong, they feel [more weapons] is something they want.''

Throughout 1999, ads and articles in gun magazines have fueled those fears. In one ad, for example, a gun manufacturer promises: ''The new Millennium Protector will give you the security and peace of mind in these uncertain times.''

Gun magazines have been urging readers to ''prepare for Y2Kaos'' by stockpiling weapons as well as food. A recent article in Handguns magazine touted Smith & Wesson's Model 10 revolver as ''a good choice for a Y2K handgun.''

Another article noted that amid shortages, homeowners might need to ''quickly stop dogs who through starvation revert to wild beasts.'' The article, ''Facing Y2K with a Colt Python,'' continued, ''Dogs take a lot of killing so a powerful round ... will be necessary should this distasteful task arise.''

Gun control advocates and their supporters argue that the consequences of such marketing efforts may be more long-lasting than any Y2K computer failures.

''It's one thing for a bottled-water company to play on Y2K fears to sell a few extra cases, but it's entirely different when the same marketing ploy is used with guns,'' said Marty Langley, a policy analyst with the Washington, D.C.-based Violence Prevention Center and author of a recent study on Y2K gun marketing efforts.

''At some point, Y2K will be over. But the guns marketed this way will remain in homes across the country for years to come, increasing the risk of suicides, homicides, and accidental gun injuries.''

© Copyright 1999 Globe Newspaper Company."

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>''It's one thing for a bottled-water company to play on Y2K fears to sell a few extra cases, but it's entirely different when the same marketing ploy is used with guns,'' [/quote]
Anyone else catch the irony here? Drownings account for more deaths(accidental) than firearms.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Gun control advocates say they are outraged by the suggestion
that people need to be well-armed to survive Y2K - especially as
public officials at all levels are working to quell fears.[/quote]

Oh, boo-hoo! Like I give a rat's ass that they are outraged. Be so outraged ya stroke out and get the hell out of my life.

And I'm supposed to feel warm and fuzzy that public officials are working at all levels....thats their freaking job! They expect brownie points for doing their jobs, now????

Boo-hoo-hoo :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

"Gun control advocates and their supporters argue that the consequences of such marketing efforts may be more long-lasting than any Y2K computer failures."

Well, I certianly hope so!

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited January 01, 2000).]
Anyone "esp in Minn" who bought a Y2K gun but now that all is calm wants to get rid of evil piece of metal/plastic. Send me a e-mail. I will come to your home and pick it up "at little or no charge". Just trying to make your life warm and fuzzy.
Ammo and other supplies will also be picked up at the same time. :)
Oatka, you were right not to buy the paper. What a crock; they are so full of it their eyes are brown!

I am still trying to find a place where firearms are "marketed" other than in gun mags. Maybe the occasional ad for a gun show, but otherwise I don't see any true capitalistic marketing. All the ads I see are geared to get people drunk, fat, then behind the wheel of a 3000 pound bullet! Yep, the gun industry is really trying to get folks killed. If you really get down to the meat of the matter, the gun industry is much like the dental industry - it doesn't want to put itself out of business so much as it wants everyone to have great checkups, so brush your teeth an practice sight picture.

In addition, when did making money off the fears and trepidations of the masses become sinister. The politicians have been doing it for years.
I firmly believe that the liars at the Violence Policy Center and Handgun Control, Inc. are much more responsible for the surge in firearms sales at the end of 1999. But, they certainly wouldn't want to take responsibility for that result, would they? If firearms sales continue to be strong, what will they say then?

So, lots of other industries can use Y2K to up sales, but it's not allowed in the firearms business, right? Just another example of how these people will attack anywhere and everywhere, and logic is not necessary.
More hysterical pee-pee dancing in the media? Fine with me. Seems every time they get their panties in a bunch, I get more people coming to me for tips and instruction.

Say, Globe, how about another shrill piece of garbage about Hobgood Academy? ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
RAE, I've nver met you, but know I would like you. It scares me to think there is someone else out there who thinks like me. Facts and reason will prevail against hysteria once the light of truth shines on these slimballs and exposes them for the weak, sniveling, cowardly "girly" men and women they are. They pretend to protect the weak to disguise their own cowardice or protect their own position or social standing. There is a great quote about cowards who hide behind lies and half truths, and use the law to subvert truth and justice. Can anyone help me out?