The blame game and the hypocrisy of those who play it

I felt this belonged in L&P since guns are very much so a controversy, legally and politically. That, and I do address the people's ability to control a government.

I am not as smart as I wish I could be, but I am pretty sure that I have a good bead on things when it comes to reviewing the stupidity of humans. I am familiar (friendly and communicative) with many people from more than two dozen cultures. I like to keep my horizons broad. The world is bigger than the USA.

I have come to one conclusion that I feel is irrefutable.

The gun is the only tool that man has made that has been demonized around the globe by virtually every culture. Never have so many hated one kind of object for such a long time.

There have no calls for world wide bans of motor vehicles, man made bodies of H2O, plows, sharpened pencils, cooking and eating utensils, bath tubs, glass bottles, clubs, ropes, swords, detergents....

I think you get the least I hope you do.

Before the gun men were savages. The weak had no choice but to bow to the mighty or die.

The gun made all men and women equal.

How can this wonderful gift to humanity be so downtrodden and despised when the downtrodden and despised are put on equal footing when they are armed? Yet, many of these kinds of people will be the first to tell you that the worlds biggest problems is guns because they were never allowed to have them, thus negating the control the armed might would wield over them. A nasty cycle of oppression and enslavement played out again and again after the commoner is disarmed.

I guess we should all go back to being spear chuckers, rock throwers, and club wielders. Yeah...those options are so much better.

Irrefutable point number two...most people are just plain stupid and don't know it. Worst part is that they think they are smart and have the answers. If only we would do what they say, then we would have utopia. Never gonna happen.

Flame me all you want for that comment. I have finally decided that I no longer care if opinions are PC.

I want a gun in every hand and every man to hold his government accountable.

It is said that there are levels of governmental control. The ballot box, the jury box and the bullet box.

The bullet box is supposed to be the last resort, yet many have forgotten that the bullet is the only real empowerment for the the first two options.

Lastly, those who wish to take or guns (and equality) away will also find themselves enslaved at some point. A mightier person will always come along and dethrone those who thought they had all the power. Most people who wield power have forgotten the bigger fish rule.

There is always a bigger fish. If it finds you, it will eat you.
Irrefutable point number two...most people are just plain stupid and don't know it. Worst part is that they think they are smart and have the answers.

I have been saying this for years....or at the very least they are misguided in their beliefs.

Its simple....most people in this world want world peace. They think banning guns worldwide would help towards this goal.

The problem???.....As long man exists there will never be such a thing as world peace. Guns or not.
"Irrefutable point number two...most people are just plain stupid and don't know it. Worst part is that they think they are smart and have the answers."

Yep, I run into these morons daily. Point number 1, you can NOT communicate with them. They are agenda driven, and no amount of common sense, logic, or rational thinking will sway them. Worse, these morons have a vote, and are shaping our country......:(

Irrefutable point number two...most people are just plain stupid and don't know it.
I'll refute that if you don't mind... :D

If you had said, "some people are just plain stupid and don't know it." I would have agreed, but the only thing irrefutable is that half the population has lower than average intelligence; not most.

It just seems strange that so many of them seek public office. Must mean something... ;)
I guess we should all go back to being spear chuckers, rock throwers, and club wielders.
Wouldn't do a bit of good, we were using those to kill each other, and wage war, long before we even discovered that metal swords and weapons did a better job.

So now we use state of the art firearms...only the weapons have changed, mankind's attitude toward each other hasn't. That is the real problem, but the "Utopian Crowd" don't want to admit it.

There will be violent people long as there are people. Take all the firearms away, and we just revert to using more primitive weapons.
I don't believe it's about guns, but more of the times in which we live.

In my first real-deal white-collar job I surprised to find out how many of my memos, invoices and even water-cooler jokes had been archived by my enemies to use later on. In a very real sense, these guys spent half of the day gathering debris to CYA.

Now, you might shake your head, laugh, and say, "Well, that's pencil necked geeks for you--all of them are wusses..."

Not true.

Last year when I was sharpening at the sporting goods store, two club enforcers from my MC showed up. It turns out I had committed an infraction. In a motorcycle forum supposedly composed of guys who actually own motorcycles, I had ticked off the members of an entire cyber cycle club.

Now get this, this motorcycle club filed a complaint with my club...

What the heck is that? Filed a complaint? A cycle club?

The enforcers assured me that they even agreed with what I had posted, and told me that the information I gave them was probably needed before this cyber club went out into the world of real cycle clubs.

But here's the kicker that applies to this thread.

As the enforcers left, one paused and said, "If we could live now as you did back in the day..."

For you citizens, the bike phrase "back in the day" refers to the golden age of the original choppers and bobbers, of hand-made parts, clothes modified from need not purchased to look cool and settling a dispute with an attitude and a pool cue.

However, to many of us, it's an insult.

It is the open acknowledement that a part of America has decided the becoming an interior decorator is more important than speaking the truth. That's it's easier to fink, to blame, to weasel, than it is to stand there and take that which you are personally responsible.

You are angered that it happens in the world of firearms. Trust me, it happens in all strata of this new world.
I don't recall who said it but, those who want peace prepare for war.

Absolutely! I know it's fanatasy/fiction, but look at Star Trek as an example. Even though the Federation wants peace in the Galaxy, they must be willing and able to use force to repel the attacks from other cultures if they want to survive. Otherwise, we'd all become Borg. That is just what some of the marxist/socialists would love, if all of the people on earth would become totally passive to the marxist/socialist rule. Or in other words, the marxist/socialist borg want everyone to assimilate. Resistance is futile. What's always interesting is how the marxist/socialists preach peace, love, and dope. They always invest power in themselves and their security to make sure that they don't get hurt. They then have the power to use force on anyone who doesn't listen to them and does resist. They know they must minimize the power and the will to resist. This is why gun control is a major plank in the platform of marxist/socialist ideology. They must be in control and have the monoply on force to maintain that control.

There; did I sound smarter than the rest of the world? :D
"Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum." Also Known As: Si vis pacem, para bellum.--Vegetius
If you desire peace, prepare for war.

The following taken from YAHOO Answers...
Resolved Question -- greenday; "Where does the government get its power?"
Best Answer--sheepdog
“Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. Government is force; like fire it is a dangerous servant -- and a fearful master.”
—George Washington, 1797

"Political power flows from the barrel of a gun."
—Chairman Mao Zedong

It has always been known that government is nothing more than the ability to force a population into conformity with a given policy.

The best way to coerce large populations into compliance is at gunpoint.

This has been demonstrated time and time again throughout all of history (although for most of recorded history, coercion has been brought about at the points of swords, spears and arrows--the principle is the same.)

America is unique in the fact that our Founders expected that the people would govern themselves. We would have no Kings or other unaccountable tyrants to lord over us and make their will law. Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and the rest of the American Revolutionaries intended that the ultimate power of government would rest with the people.

The ultimate power of government is force which, in our modern era, is embodied in the barrel of a gun.

This is why our Founders included the Second Amendment in our Bill of Rights. And this is why many politicians fight so hard to take guns away from American citizens. As long as Americans have guns, and the will to use them in defense of liberty, the government of the United States will always be limited in its powers to oppress.
“Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others?"--Thomas Jefferson
Blues Man

I'm going with MOST people are stupid and don't know it. Intelligence does not preclude stupidity. Some of the most intelligent people I have met are still stupid in all but their chosen area of intellectual pursuit. One can be a genius on paper and still, lacking the common sense, be an idiot.

As for how many stupid ones rise to power in the political arena.......Perhaps empty vessels simply float better.:D
Fair enough, M14fan. Good post.

You know what Will Rogers said on this topic -
Will Rogers said:
An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out.
Share what you know. Teach others. Don't belittle them. Calling people stupid or even ignorant won't open their ears, let alone their minds. Remember, we have logic and history on our side. Registration yields confiscation - every time. Unarmed people are slaves, armed people are citizens.
Said before, many times, many ways

"A person can be smart, but people are stupid."

And, I think, generally that is true. While individuals can be intelligent and reasonable, even logical, and sometimes, even wise, when people come into groups, for some reason the general inteligence level seems to go down.

Look at how many otherwise reasonable, otherwise intelligent people have been members of a mob? or a political party?:rolleyes: or even a jury?:eek:

The world is also home to many petty, spiteful people. People who will do you injury for no other reason than they can, and they enjoy it. People who would forbid you doing something you enjoy, just because you enjoy it and they do not. People who will boast of their tolerance for all, and yet are extrememly intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. All these and many more are out there, and some have positions of great power in our lives. So much the worse for us.

Our Founding Fathers recognised this, and set up the best system they could think of, one that nearly always works right, inspite of the flaws of human nature. What truly exceptional men they were.