
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searchs and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or Affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

What do you think? I believe the IV Anendment is on it's death bed, on iv, and a ventilator. Those who want a police state (Clinton, Reno, and a ton of federal judges, etc) stand ready to pull the plug, and promise the PEOPLE that in return, the government will care for us, and make us secure.

Was it Jefferson who said something like; He who would trade freedom for security is doomed to have neither? GLV
DOA, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. IRS, the new forfeiture and seizure laws, etc, finished off the once mighty 4th. Hell, cops get all sorts of interesting data on you when they run your tags, even when you've broken no laws.

Don't forget the bank telling the gubment how much money you deposit or withdraw, and the airport wanting you to prove that you're NOT a terrorist.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin
I've said it before. The decline of this nation began with the enactment of the 16th Amendment, which begat the IRS.

The Federal Govt. was never suppose to be big and overbearing entity which is now is and its taxing powers were limited until the big 16A was enacted.

Further erosion crept in with Roosevelt who threatened the Supremes (Court) for overturning his alphabet soup programs. Sadly, the American people, who had just gotten over the big commie scare, were so acceptable to Big Brother (b/c of the depression), that they clamoured for those programs. Under pressure from FDR, the Court then rolled over and gave the Feds anything they wanted, until recently.

While the court has been overturning laws enacted by Congress (Lopez where the application of the Commerce Clause to impose a gun-free zone around schools was overturned for want of nexus and Printz where the imposing of Fed. policies on local government without corresponding funding - Brady Bill, was struck down), the reemergence of the Court as the final guardian of our rights may be too late.

Turning to the 4A right to be free in one's own home and free from search and seizure without a warrant, there are so many exceptions that they threaten to swallow the rule.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
The Fourth Amendment got shot up during the '80's, because of the war on drugs. Once government gets its foot in the door, there's no turning back. With each Supreme Court ruling, it justs gets worse. I'm waiting for RICO to be used against gun dealers...

Join the NRA!!!
And to make you guys feel better, don't forget that when the coward in chief leaves office, he has appointed 300 plus federal judges who are liberal activists, and they are there for life. Of course the mighty Republicans in the Senate did not even raise a whisper to question the appointments.