The BIG show in Berea

3 gun

New member
OK Berea is this weekend. First show this year at the fairgrounds, usually 800+ tables in three or more buildings. Who's going and what you going to do while you're there?

I'm going to be looking for a Para LTD 16-40 (maybe) and some ammo deals. Might just bring enough money to get myself into trouble :D. Anyone else going? I plan on spending most of the morning Saturday shopping around. The afternoon is set a side for a little seat time on the Suzuki, unless I have a new toy to break in :).
I might go, I have a new toy to get mags and accessories for. I *might* even pick up another toy, depends on how fiscally responsible I decide to be. Gimme a call Friday and we'll workout the details.
I'll be there ... C&R license in hand - and probably looking to pick a Mosin Nagant or Russian M44 if the price is right and if the quality is good. I'll also be looking to get soem .50 cal ammo cans for all this ammunition that I've been buying lately. Might also get some AK-47 mags, but the prices at AIM Surplus look pretty nice and I might just order from them.

I'm probably going to get there around 9AM or so on Saturday. Never been to Berea but it sounds like it will be huge. Do we have a rally point for all of us TFL'ers or just hoping by chance to bump into each other?
Damn damn damn.

And I'm being held over again at work, because Falconer's fellow students can't behave themselves. OK, this is now serious. OSU's partying has caused the city thousands in overtime, sent people to the hospital, and now it's interfering with a GUNSHOW. :eek:

On the plus side, we all have new ninja-turtle anti-bottle riot gear. We look like a cross between Darth Vader and the Michelin Man.

Tom, stay away from off-campus parties- doors are gonna be kicked if TSHTF.

No need to worry Mike, I shoot back ;)

Seriously tho, I won't be in town for the riots. And quit yer complaining, if I recall, you aren't being held over, you and Wade are VOlUNTEERING for riot duty if my ears did not decieve me during roll call the other day.

btw, how are those chickens doing?
The 'volunteering' bit applies only if we actually get to go to the Buckeye Bottle Toss. The plan at the moment is to have all of us work late in cruisers and have 3rd shift get into their Ninja Turtle Gear (you laugh, wait until you see us) and go down on campus and deal with the rowdies.

And no more chicken sightings. Sorry. :D

Just to remain on topic, what time is Berea? When to when?


PS if it makes you feel any better, the past two days have been just as boring as the one you chose as a ridealong. *yaaawwwwnnnn*
OK so now that the BIG show is over - how did everybody do? I ended up with a bunch of ammo cans (not fun to carry back to the car) and some Aguila Colibri ammo for fun. I would have made a clean getaway except I ran into a great deal on a SIG P225 and came home with that as well. I noticed that it probably wasn't a good idea to head to the show early in the morning on Saturday as the lines were getting pretty long and after awhile, the "pay", "guns to check" and "no guns to check" lines were confusing the heck out of people just showing up. The first building on the left as you came in was definitely overcrowded and very hard to navigate. But all in all it was a good show and I got most of the things on my list.
A Berea show insiders tip, Never go into the first building first, head to the rear buildings, thet're almost empty. Go back to the first building after 2 and the crowds are MUCH smaller. I added a nice little M1 carbine to the safe this weekend. Anyone else?? Mike you can find dates, times and contact info for shows around the state by clicking the link "events" in my sig line. I might be heading to the Circleville show in a couple of weekends.