The BG's bring it on.


New member
Earlier on a thread that I posted, there was a good exchange going on. I only wanted to interject (from a person that has had to face self-defense situations more times than he would have liked) that everyone needs to remember that the BG's are the ones that usually bring the trouble to you and not because you are coming from a position of strength.....
The BG's are approaching you because they figure they have a victim that they can control. It doesn't matter where you are (good or bad area)...if the BG thinks he has a chance, and he is desperate enough, he's going to take a shot at it and if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you're it.
The other point that I wanted to make is that the BG only has to get it right one time, then you're a statistic if you don't have enough luck and the right amount of survival skills.

you are fortunate to have some well trained instincts....many of us are not that lucky so we need to train and hope we have enough training to come out ahead.

thanks for all the stats, but I believe most of the TFLers are not out to look for trouble, I believe we'd all like to live out our lives in peace, but we carry CCWs because we don't want to leave the options of whether or not we live or die to the benevolent feelings of the BG who is holding his gun on you. When faced with a life or death situation, we want a chance...that's really what most of us want is a chance to defend ourselves and the ones that we care for. Would you take away the tool that most people need to give us that fighting chance?

I have one statistic for you to consider...of close to twenty encounters where the BGs had weapons, I was faced 16 of those twenty times with no less than three BGs. I'm an unarmed martial arts practitioner (40+ years, but I'm not that good...just really lucky..and blessed) I have many friends who were not as lucky as I have been.

You follow your statistics, I wish I could, I only have my real life experiences to relate to.

Good luck and stay safe...I mean it.