The 'Bet On Iraq' Iraqi Dinar scam


I see referral links to this site all over conservative websites.

This has caused me to be skeptical of their ethics and honesty because anyone with a five second understanding of economics and the Iraqi Dinar would know that it is a pure ripoff, aside from getting a curiosity / conversation piece.
I dont think any kind of internet betting is a good idea. If you know currency exchange you could possible make money by buying iraqi money and later after the rates have changed in your favor chnage them back to american. As far as the links go ive seen them all over too. i was told they pay well for website space and thats why you see them so much

Here's a link

Supposedly, a few people cleaned up on Kuwaiti dinar during Desert Storm by buying it during the time between the invasion and the end of the war. Once Kuwait got back on its feet, it went from being nearly worthless to being $3 for 1 KD.
So what happens if they do like alot of war torn countries do and create an entirely new currency?
They already did that. That website I posted sells the new stuff. No bets on whether they do what Mexico did several years back and change the value of their money, though.