The best joke I know. SOME WILL BE OFENDED!

Abe Normal

New member
It was during the dark days of WWII that a regular GI came bounding across a
battlefield. Taking cover in one foxhole after another, with all the horrors of
war trying to stop him, he was duty bound to get the message back to HQ. As he
dived headfirst into a hole he saw that it was occupied. Moreover, the man who
occupied it was wrapped up in an Indian blanket and was staring at him. As soon
as he was able to compose himself he noticed that not only was the blanket of
American Indian origin but so was the man wearing it. The GI thought this odd
but a friendly face was better than being out there in the carnage just above
their heads.

So the GI said to the Indian, "Good God it's crazy out there, you sure got the
right idea holding up in here." But the Indian didn't say anything in return--he
just kept staring at the GI. So the GI looked back at the Indian and said very
slowly and deliberately "Do you speak English?" There was no
response from the Indian save for his staring back at the GI.
It was at this point that something the GI heard back at HQ came to him.
So he said to the Indian, once again very slowly, "Are you part of that
contingent of American Indians that's operating in this district?" Once
again not a word from the Indian.

"Well this is a fine how-ja-do" cursed the GI. "Stuck in this God damn war in
this God damn foxhole with this God damn Indian who don't even know how to talk
English!" About this point the GI had an idea he thought might help. Perhaps he
could speak to the Indian with the use of sign language. So the GI cupped his
hand, making like a parachute and slowly bringing it downward, saying
"Paratroops Airborne, par a troops--are you part of an Air borne group?" But
still nothing from the Indian, not so much as twitch.

But this GI was determined by now to communicate with this other man, so he
tried again. Taking two fingers he walked them up then down his opposite forearm
saying "Infantry, are you in the in fan try?" But still nothing, not a sign
from the Indian. Hardly deterred, the GI positioned both hands and arms and
moved them as though shoving a shell into the breach of a cannon, saying
"Artillery, are you with an ar till ery batt ery?" But still the Indian just
sat there as if glued to the spot.

A moment or two passed then the GI thought he finally had it. He formed his
hands and put them up to his eyes as if they were binoculars shouting "Signal
Corps!" At this the Indian looked absolutely horrified, jumped up, threw off his
blanket and ran from the foxhole.

It was about twenty yards away that the Indian was able to dive into another
foxhole. There in this second foxhole sat a second Indian, and in their native
language this was what was said:

"What's the matter with you why didn't you stay where you were? You could have
been killed coming over here!" "Oh," said the first Indian, "I had to get out of
the foxhole I was in because a crazy man jumped in there with me!" "A crazy
man," said the second Indian. "Yes," said the first, "as crazy as ever was."
"How could you tell he was crazy?" asked the second. So the first Indian showed
the second Indian in sign language what it was that the GI had said to him:

After he jumped into the foxhole with me, he signed, he told me that "when the
sun goes down" and "we go back to camp" "I'm going to **** you in the ass" until
"your eyes bug out!"

Both agreed that the GI must have been crazy to make such an offer in the middle
of a battle!
No idea why the **** was in the last bit of the joke but it should have read...

After he jumped into the foxhole with me, he signed, he told me that "when the sun goes down" and "we go back to camp" "I'm going to **** you in the ass" until "your eyes bug out!"

Both agreed that the GI must have been crazy to make such an offer in the middle
of a battle!
It's even better when a friend tells you that joke face-to-face. The guy that told me did such a good job, it was amazing.
"What we have here, is failure to communicate."