"The Best Defense"


New member
I just finished Robert A. Waters' book, "The Best Defense," and it was an eye-opener, not so much for me, but for my wife. I think she is finally starting to see the need for self-protection with firearms. Although she hasn't read the whole book, she did read a couple of stories, and she mentioned that they scared her. I'll encourage her to read more of the book later; I don't want to overload her. Bit by bit, I'm breaking down her resistance to shooting guns, especially handguns.

As for myself, all I can say is this: They're not getting my guns. Period. This book recomfirmed what I have always known about guns, law-abiding citizens, and criminals.

If you have a gun-resistant spouse or significant other, I encourage you to coax them into reading this book. It may not change their opinion completely, but it'll at least give them cause to think outside of their own narrow views.

BTW, the one story in the book about the women who, although she shot her attacker 4 times with a .25 cal. handgun (including once in the heart), was still beaten to a pulp, should give anyone second thoughts about small-caliber handguns. If a gun is to be used to stop an attacker (its main purpose, in my opinion), not necessarily to kill him, then in this instance it failed miserably. But, to be fair, there were a number of stories where a larger caliber was used and the assailant(s) were still mobile. Hell, there was even a story of a criminal who was shot with a centerfire rifle and he was STILL on the offensive. It goes to show nothing is guaranteed.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited January 14, 2000).]
Regarding the stories of shot BG's continuing on the offensive - it's been said here many times before, and always bears repeating: Anyone worth shooting once is worth shooting twice!

And again, until stopped and the threat of continued violent action is gone.

And yes, bigger generally is better.
One thing I often like to practice shooting when doing hangun combat drills is "triple taps". put 2 in the COM as fast as you can, followed by a head shot if possible. A .25 is definately- as one poster put it, a "face gun" if I were limited to a .22 or .25 pistol, I would start with 2 or 3 to the body, followed by several fast shots to the neck and face area.

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"

[This message has been edited by swatman (edited January 14, 2000).]
In case you didn't know it, the author of the book is a regular poster here at TFL. Goes by BestDefense357.

I haven't gotten a copy yet, but I will!
Triple tap? you mean there is a limit. Me thinks if the stuff hits the fan most will empty and "capacity tap." As for trying for a head shot, dream on. Shooting at center mass at 21 feet or less cops miss 92% of the time. RCMP misses 88% they claim. NYPD has a 85% miss rate.
Some moron in a gun rag said to shoot twice and "evaluate." A great way to get your wife a new bed partner. Amazing what human minds think of when it comes to staying alive. It isn't a sporting event. Rules of fair play do not prevail (old Bill Jordan quote).
KEEP shooting. There is no limit.

Specialists in the use and training of lethal force.
I think you are taking what I'm saying way out of context. I agree that to shoot twice and then evaluate is absurd. What I am saying is that since alot of attacks can be from point blank to seven FEET, I would definately put a few right in the BG's face IF I had the chance. at such a distance it is quite possible to do just that. Especially if it is with a .22 since recoil would not be a problem for most of us.
Consider that we were talking about a .22.
Chances are, if you can bring the gun to COM, you can probably bring it to face level. I AM NOT advocating simply training for headshots only, but there are times when they may be needed. (If for example the BG is wearing body armor and it is easier to get then some may think)
I never said there was a LIMIT to how many times you shoot. Just saying there are times I practice drawing from concealment and putting more than one in the target. As far as shooting till empty, that may be fine if you only face ONE BG but you may be facing more. Again, no need to take what I say out of context. we all have different ways of training and doing things. That why we have here what is called OPINIONS :)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"