The Balkanization of America


New member
Our apathy and thinking errors let the neo-socialists push their agenda with flaccid opposition.

Many of us are willing to take up arms against tyranny, but are unwilling to write some letters, make some calls, donate, or engage in debate.

Many think we should just go ahead and "start it."

The results won't be what you expect.

It won't be over in a few weeks with things going back to normal.

The country will shatter. We would be lucky to end up like Serbia or Northern Ireland. Very lucky. Most likely it would be worse.

We would end up with anarchy, system breakdown and barbarism. No more .308 at WalMart, no more reloading components, no more electricity.

There is no point in being a conscious entity when you spend every waking hour struggling to find enough food to eat. You will be no more than an animal.

The time to save the future is now, while we have one. Write your "representatives" again, call, fax, VOTE. Donate to pro RKBA orgs. Participate. Take non-shooters shooting.

If you are doing none of these things, you are a part of the problem!
Just hug a tree, things will improve

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me
Shin Tao, there are a lot of folks worried about the Balkanization that's occurring.

Just pray that the actions you mention will prove sufficient...

something else to consider: If America splinters into a warring nation-who do you think is going to be ready to 'help us out' by sending in a few million of it's soldiers?
Um, Madagasgar?

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me
Don't be such a pessimist. I might end up owing Wal-Mart and an NRA membership card would get you all the credit you'd need. :D

Well, I have a theory about this, and ... it's probably one you won't like.

First, I agree with you that all of us must write letters, donate funds, debate the RKBA, and generally aid the cause any way we can. And, any foolish attempts at violence could be devasting in their result.

However, regarding some kind of apocalyptic Balkanization due to the loss of rights? Well, I doubt it, in this environment.

Someone may well correct me, but I can't think of a nation that dissolved like this during a time of economic plenty. My theory is that, unfortunately, Americans will blissfully watch their Constitution be dismantled and their rights dwindle away, as long as the beer flows and their stock portfolios expand.

Only when the loss of these freedoms contributes to economic ruin will people rebel. And, by then, it may well be too late to recover the America envisioned by our founders, much less the America our parents knew as children.

An alternative scenario might be war with an outside force because we become naive about our need for defense. An altogether plausible scenario IMHO, especially if someone like Al Gore is elected.

My hope is that we have enough time for there to be a renaissance of interest in the Constitution, the concepts of freedom and personal responsibility, and specifically, a recognition of the truths behind the RKBA. And, I'll keep working towards those goals.

Regards from AZ
Jeff, I agree with you 100%.

I have always contended that the only way for America to stop its precipitous butt-skid along the slippery slope of blissful decadence is if something traumatic were to happen to wake ou collective souls.

A serious war? A very dramatic economic recession (depression)? Martian invasion ;)? I don't know!

The problem is that, living as we do in the most materialistic of ages, the gradual loss of "intangible" freedoms (such as those enumerated in the Constitution) is going to be more than offset by the ease with which an average individual can acquire "tangible" goods such as a nice house in suburbia, an SUV and a low-interest credit card. And how do we expect these mollified souls to cry "enough!" to such conditions? "Enough" of what?

Instead, it will take a major "earthquake". Then, the priorities may be re-shuffled and fall in a similar way as our Founders intended. But what a dreary prospect.....

Private gun ownership is the capital sin in the left's godless religion. Crime is merely a venial mistake.

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