The Art Of Bow Hunting.

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The Art of Bow Hunting is just Garbage!! You have a great Rifle >you love it and you keep it!~!> To the Kids some day! Bows are a garbage I just seen a Hoyt Hypertec that would of cost you MMM in those days a HOT about 350 Bucks for 85 Bucks and with some whistles!! Sad.
Nearly all animals I have hunted successfully were taken with firearms. The list includes two 5-point elk, a few mule deer, one black bear, and several coyotes. However, the only record book animal I've taken was a 10-point whitetail buck with a very wide rack that made the Pope & Young record book. I have taken several whitetails with a bow. To claim bow hunting is garbage is - well, just garbage.
All thru my 30's & 40's I took up shooting a compound bow as I was bored with my 270 in deer season. " Just to easy to kill." How nice it would be to get rejuvenated in The Hunt__ bow hunting to be specific. So I bought the fastest bow at the time and installed the best accoutrements _ sights & a 4" overdraw. Shooting Easton 2213 Lite's outfitted with feathers and a 100 gr AP tip assure me a pass-thru's out to 40 yards. Bows accuracy was astoundingly fast. Funny thing happened? I really got into the finer points of bow & arrow. Weighing every component of in Grams. Even my arrow feathers were weighed. " The lighter the better and faster." I even wrapped the bows grip in split caves tan'ed leather and single seam stitched _ & heat shrunk _for a comfortable fit non slip grip. At the time I practiced everyday for 1:30 mins. After a years practice I removed all the mongoose sight pins_ all but two that is. No problem shooting 15 yrds to 60 yrds. I once commented to another co-worker I thought my bow was a quicker dispatcher than the 270 was. I shot a few deer with that bow. Amazing a couple of those deer never new they were shot. Hear the bows firing raise their head to look around and lower their head to eat again raise the head a bit a third time and colasps where they stood. I eventually thought the same about the Bow as did with rifle use. Found another deer shooting challenge. Traditional Rifle. And that is yet another story.
I’ve shot nearly a hundred deer with the bow. Back in the 1950’s my father started making laminated recurve bows built on home made forms and heating boxes. I killed my first seventeen deer with home made recurves. After moving on to “store bought” recurves for a while I got into compound bows and the rest of that hundred were killed with them. My father got his seventy-sixth deer with a bow on my property on his eighty-fourth birthday. It was also his last deer with the bow. I was going to respond to the OP with some crude comments which he was begging to get, but it’s not worth making myself look as crude as he is. Bow hunting in a great tradition in this country and I believe that most of the people who bad mouth it like the OP did are simply too lazy to put the time and effort into it to reach a skill level good enough to be successful. Bow hunting is not only fun, but simply shooting a bow is a lot of fun. It’s an Olympic sport with participants from all over the world. It takes far more skill and dedication to be a successful bow hunter than it does to be a successful gun hunter. Also, attacking any form of acceptable hunting only hurts all hunters in the long run. The OP hasn’t been a member here very long. If he comes back I hope he learns how to behave better.
Bows these days are just as accurate as a gun. If you shoot a deer with a gun you can be far away & never have to learn the woodsman ship that you need to be able to get close enough to attempt a bow shot. Hunting with a bow just feels more natural than with a gun.
Weather permitting I usually hunt the first week of rifle season with a bow, if it's cold but not snowing I use a crossbow, I've killed alot animals with both and never lost one. 95% of the time they fall over dead within sight in a matter of seconds. Nothing is more exciting than shooting big game when it's really close.
Yes modern bows loose their resale value pretty quickly because the technology is advancing forward pretty quickly. So what, that's true of many things, phones cars ect.
I shot this little buck at 15ft under my tree stand, he ran 80yds and died in 4 seconds, that's typical for my bowhunting.
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It’s [archery] an Olympic sport with participants from all over the world.

Of course being a member of this forum it's no surprise I like the gun sports but I caught some of the TV coverage of archery at the last Olympics and I must say it was MUCH more enjoyable/exciting watching the archery than any of the firearms events.

Archery was fast and obvious as to who was winning and losing and what they needed to score to win.

The firearms events were much, much slower and more prolonged and I hate to say it much more boring.

Even the trap shooting wasn't as exciting as the archery. I blame TV a little for this as they just had a camera behind the line and you could see the shooter okay but the clay pigeons were hard to see and it wasn't always obvious if the pigeons were hit or not. I've seen much better coverage of trap and skeet shooting on some of the "outdoors" shows where they have several cameras covering the shooting. Also I think it would have been interesting if they covered the gun and ammo the shooters were using. This might not be interesting to non-gun folk but I really suspect most of the viewers ARE gun folk.
Rifles are like fine Wine, Or a 1970 z28 car, Bows>Well ??

There is nothing new under the sun for Bows! Just A life style and thinking !MMM >what ever happened to the Wak Master >TED? >> old and grey and shooting a Rifle in Texas sorry to say! Enjoy
Bows these days are just as accurate as a gun. If you shoot a deer with a gun you can be far away & never have to learn the woodsman ship that you need to be able to get close enough to attempt a bow shot. Hunting with a bow just feels more natural than with a gun.

Just as accurate as a gun? Your nuts! I got nothing against bow hunter's and I think those successful at it are probably better hunter's than gun hunter's if for no other reason than how much closer they need to be to score a good hit. if there is a segment of the hunting society I don't care for it's the long range hunter. I don't believe it's hunting but rather just shooting! Guy's that can hit small target's at 400 yds + amaze me. But their talking about it as much as they do just encourages people without those skills to try it. What the heck, they have the same equipment! I have read a bit about long range guy's with bows too, just like rifle hunter's it simply encourages unqualified people to try the same thing. I will shoot at varmint's at very long ranges but with the bullet's I use a hit of most any kind results in a blown up critter! I do not shoot long range varmint's with a rimfire, good way to cripple them. same goes with big game, poor shot, which even the best shooter can make can still result in a lost cripple. Something I have never read reading about long range shots at big game is a bad shot resulting in a cripple getting off to die somewhere. Like I said, even the best of shooter's mess up now and then but you never hear it from the long range crowd. It always seems to be one shot and one animal dead right there or else a clean miss and they know it because they walked 600yds to check for blood and there was none. Maybe sometimes!
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I may have posted this before at some point but here it goes again, even though I love to hunt deer and elk with a bow I dislike bows and to a lesser degree crossbows, I get no joy out of shooting them like shooting rifle silhouette or shooting 3 rounds of skeet or even a pistol match.
I don't even like most archers because they make wild claims about the accuracy of their equipment and some fling arrows at animals 100yds away which doesn't seem ethical to me.
I like shots inside 30yds and preferably 20yds, those shots where your able to punch them right through the heart. Those shots where the animal is so close you worry about blinking or that the animal will hear your heart racing in excitement.
You'll never see me on an archery forum, I am on a crossbow forum but they're not as dingy as a typical archer.
This little bit of "ranting" started out as "garbage" so I'm going to close it. There have been some good ripostes to the OP, but the thread needs to be closed at this point.
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