The antis have started, get ready!


New member
I just got through watching CNN and they are making a mockery of our constitutional rights and our defense for the second amendment. One preacher was calling for all handgun confiscation. Another man took the term "Well regulated militia" and turned it into gun registration. On top of all that one man specificaly said "you can not defend yourself". When asked about the Jews and the holocaust, he stated "Even if the Jews were armed they could not have defended themselves" CNN is turning everything that we beleive in around. We must act now and act fast.

We must take action NOW! How? Start writing senetors, congress, etc.... even the major media networks stating we do not appreciate the demonizing of guns and gunowers. Spread the word to every forum you can. We must bombard our politicians with letters stating that we do NOT want more gun control. I can assure you write now that the antis have their pens, pencils, and papers writing letters as we speak. We must speak out louder than the antis. Spread the word to every forum you can.


[This message has been edited by solo (edited September 16, 1999).]
I think you could be right! Ever notice how they all kill themselve, suicide mission. Too much coincidence. But again I would like to reiterate we need to make our point of veiw known to everyone, washington, the media, etc.. We need to pull together 100 times more than what we did with HCI, we need to burn the midnight oil if you want to preserve the second amendment! The fight has began and politicaly we are on the losing end, even though we outnumber the antis we still need to speak out. Just for the note today I will be spreding the word across the net and this saturday I will be constructing a uniform letter to send to congress! Lets hit the CNN, MSNBC, whatever news media chat rooms and try to convince these antis that guns aren't the problem.
AS I posted in another thread, let's hit CNN and its sponsors with a boycott until they clean up their act. If they want to claim to be a news broadcast, they need to broadcast news, not their opinion of it. Write CNN, tell them you will not watch ANY of their programming, that you will not purchase goods and services from ANY of their sponsors as long as they continue. Also, write the sponsors and tell them the same thing. Remember, Kmart had to make apologetic noises simply because of Rosie O'Donnells ill-advised remarks, and CNN is much more far-reaching.

Hit 'em where they live, the bottom line.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight