The Anti-HCI Website has moved...

El Jefe

New member
I moved the site From Angel fire (Placed a redirect there) to it's own domain, to date without the benefit of search engines (will publish next week) and due to your individual efforts I have had over 2200 hits on my site. The guest book is filled with nothing but praise for this site, e-mail contiues to be very positive and supportive. I am getting e-mail and guest book entries from nearly every State in the union, although Texas and Michigan seem to hold the majority so far.
I have recently addded a third and fourth page and will continue to build. third page has a pull down menu with favorite links, you get to it by clicking the link button. If you want your site linked there I would appreciate a reciprocal link, I can see that portion getting very large. If you have what you consider to be an outstanding site and I do not have it listed e-mail me with it so I can Check it out. I am learning as I go, I am sure I am in for rough waters ahead when HCI stumbles across it, I will need all the support I can get!! While you are there take the poll and give me suggestions for others, include the answers as well if possible! Thank you again for all of your support I hope you have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the Site remember to update your Bookmarks...
P.S. If you haven't checked out the BoyScout link DO IT, It was recommended to me by a Scout Maste, What a great Idea!

Thanks for the catch, Sorry about that
...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited December 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited December 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited December 20, 1999).]
El Jefe,

I had already noticed that you had moved your site and was going to post about it here, but you beat me to it. Good Job!!!


I could not get your new site wnen I clicked on the link.
I am probably not the first to inform you, but figgered I better, just in case.

I am a newbie to the firing line site and very interested in seeing your site.
As a former scoutmaster and a gun owning citizen.

Freedom is NOT license!
Sorry about the link, I corrected it so that it will work now! Let me know what you think!!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
I like the new domain name, very nice. If you ever need any help on it let me know. :)

Like an animal locked up in a cage, through my inheritance I was born to rage.