I'd like to think that some people have the strength of character to make up their own minds, regardless of their environment.
That's part of the problem, people, especially American people, aren't thinking for them selves.
You would think, with the advent of the internet, computers being so inexpensive, and the simple ability to type, that people would actually become smarter, that they would actually take the time to do the research on their own.
But, alas, tis not so. People will watch 30min of their favorite liberal news channel and subscribe to a liberal magazine and will believe 100% of what they are reading, being told. There is no more questioning or personal investigation.
It's far easier to just believe what you are told then to take the time to do the research on your own.
I listen to Rush, Lars (Larson, for those that haven't heard him), Tony Snow, and I read Boortz, WND, and a host of other conservative internet sites and I don't agree with what they say all the time. If I think that they are wrong on an issue, I will do the research and I will email them with my findings, even if I was wrong.
I believe that the reason that people don't wish to think for themselves is due to they will be held accountable for their actions or words. If you just spew out what you've been told then the person feels justified in being able to blame others and not themselves. "But, I only did that or said that because that is what I was told so it's not my fault".
But it is their fault. It's their fault because they did not do the research themselves.
A great example, and yes I will pick on the gun owners here and elsewhere, are the questions that are asked about local/state laws in their state! With the internet (and you must have internet to log on here) every state has their laws, their statues, their local ordinances posted. All one does is go to their states page and then read.
Granted, sometimes it's difficult to read through the legalese so that is why there are sites, such as
www.packing.org , that does a great job of summarizing.
Don't be lazy, do the research yourself and don't believe everything you hear/read at face value. That is what the anti's do and it shows when they start to spew out the "talking points" which makes them look like they are, stupid and followers, not intelligent and leaders.
If, after you've done your own research, and you still have questions, there are people here that would be more than happy to help you out but you'd get more replies if you start out with "....after doing the research on the (state) page and on various pages like packing.org, I find myself still in confusion on the laws relating to (insert question here)...".
Also (sorry for the long rant), when you do get a reply, check it out for yourself. Most to all members here will post their sources of information so that you can go and read it for yourself and in it's entirety. Maybe the member gave you a relevant snippet but forgot to add something that was very important which was further below.
That is the difference between them and us. We do our research, we know the laws, we know why we are fighting and what we are fighting for, the very specifics of the issue.
They don't and they don't want to know. To actually do the research would create doubt and this doubt would then cause them to stumble with their cause and would push them away from their newfound group/cause.
I forgot who said it but this quote comes to mind, "Ignorance is Bliss". Knowledge is dangerous to them and to their cause so they will not do the research, they will only follow what they are told.