Here's a posting from a pro-gun Massachusetts parent:
>"My older boy, age 13, is working through a school project >on the Constitution. They do reprint it in entirety, but >not without their side-by-side "interpretations" of the >various clauses. Here's what they have to say about the >2nd Amendment:
>"Amendment 2 guarantees that the federal government
>cannot deny states the right to enlist citizens in the >militia and to provide them with training in the use of >weapons.
>I guess that clears that up."
Now we know.
>"My older boy, age 13, is working through a school project >on the Constitution. They do reprint it in entirety, but >not without their side-by-side "interpretations" of the >various clauses. Here's what they have to say about the >2nd Amendment:
>"Amendment 2 guarantees that the federal government
>cannot deny states the right to enlist citizens in the >militia and to provide them with training in the use of >weapons.
>I guess that clears that up."
Now we know.