The 2nd Amendment Enforcement Act

Uncle Ben

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Your support is needed!

Minuteman Monthly Newsletter Subscribers,

H.R. 6691 needs your support. Please find time to contact your U.S. House Representative and tell him/her to support H.R. 6691. This bill, if passed, will force the hand of Mayor Adrian Fenty of Washington D.C. to adhere to the ruling in D.C. v Heller. Find your U.S. House Representative here:

Marc Richardson

"What part of "...shall not be infringed.", don't they understand?
So what does this bill say? Who is the author? Can we get a link to the actual language, just to make sure that we're not calling in to demand support for something that bans everything but single-shot .22 rifles nationwide?
Is this the one where they are trying to force the bill to the floor without committee voting? If so, I read about it and my Rep has already signed.:)

They say it probably won't go anywhere as the Senate is in deadlock. However, if this is the bill I read about it will get DC's attention.
C'mon guys and gals. We need the input of gun owners to get to government legislators on this and other issues like it. We can't just type stuff on a forum and think it's going to make a difference.
Stagger Lee wrote:

So what does this bill say? Who is the author? Can we get a link to the actual language, just to make sure that we're not calling in to demand support for something that bans everything but single-shot .22 rifles nationwide?

If I may, go to, click on Bill Number (H.R. 6691), then search, which should bring the text of the bill up, along with the names of thre originators and co-sponsors.

See text, with sponsors below:

Second Amendment Enforcement Act (Introduced in House)

HR 6691 IH


2d Session

H. R. 6691
To restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia.


July 31, 2008
Mr. CHILDERS (for himself, Mr. ALTMIRE, Mr. CAZAYOUX, Mr. DINGELL, Mr. ROSS, Mr. TANNER, Mr. STUPAK, Ms. HERSETH SANDLIN, Mr. ELLSWORTH, Mr. MELANCON, Mr. CHANDLER, Mr. LINCOLN DAVIS of Tennessee, Mr. BOYD of Florida, Mr. MATHESON, Mr. CARDOZA, Mr. CARNEY, Mr. KAGEN, Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. SHULER, Mr. LAMPSON, Mr. HILL, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. SPACE, Mr. BARROW, Mr. MCINTYRE, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. GORDON of Tennessee, Mr. PETERSON of Minnesota, Mr. BOREN, Mr. DONNELLY, Mr. WALZ of Minnesota, Mrs. BOYDA of Kansas, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. SOUDER, Mr. HAYES, Mr. SALI, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. COOPER, Mr. BOUCHER, Mr. MURTHA, Mr. BOSWELL, Mr. BERRY, Mr. DAVIS of Alabama, Mr. KANJORSKI, Mr. SALAZAR, Mr. MAHONEY of Florida, Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. HODES, Mr. SESSIONS, and Ms. SHEA-PORTER) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


To restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Second Amendment Enforcement Act'.


Congress finds the following:

(1) The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

(2) As the Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States have recognized, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the rights of individuals, including those who are not members of a militia or engaged in military service or training, to keep and bear arms.

(3) The law-abiding citizens of the District of Columbia are deprived by local laws of handguns, rifles, and shotguns that are commonly kept by law-abiding persons throughout the United States for sporting use and for lawful defense of their persons, homes, businesses, and families.

(4) The District of Columbia has the highest per capita murder rate in the Nation, which may be attributed in part to local laws prohibiting possession of firearms by law-abiding persons who would otherwise be able to defend themselves and their loved ones in their own homes and businesses.

(5) The Federal Gun Control Act of 1968, as amended by the Firearms Owners' Protection Act of 1986, and the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, provide comprehensive Federal regulations applicable in the District of Columbia as elsewhere. In addition, existing District of Columbia criminal laws punish possession and illegal use of firearms by violent criminals and felons. Consequently, there is no need for local laws which only affect and disarm law-abiding citizens.

(6) Officials of the District of Columbia have indicated their intention to continue to unduly restrict lawful firearm possession and use by citizens of the District.

(7) Legislation is required to correct the District of Columbia's law in order to restore the fundamental rights of its citizens under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and thereby enhance public safety.


Section 4 of the Act entitled `An Act to prohibit the killing of wild birds and wild animals in the District of Columbia', approved June 30, 1906 (34 Stat. 809; sec. 1-303.43, D.C. Official Code) is amended by adding at the end the following: `Nothing in this section or any other provision of law shall authorize, or shall be construed to permit, the Council, the Mayor, or any governmental or regulatory authority of the District of Columbia to prohibit, constructively prohibit, or unduly burden the ability of persons not prohibited from possessing firearms under Federal law from acquiring, possessing in their homes or businesses, or using for sporting, self-protection or other lawful purposes, any firearm neither prohibited by Federal law nor subject to the National Firearms Act. The District of Columbia shall not have authority to enact laws or regulations that discourage or eliminate the private ownership or use of firearms.'.


(a) In General- Section 101(10) of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 (sec. 7-2501.01(10), D.C. Official Code) is amended to read as follows:

`(10) `Machine gun' means any firearm which shoots, is designed to shoot, or readily restored to shoot automatically, more than 1 shot without manual reloading by a single function of the trigger, and includes the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machine gun, and any combination of parts from which a machine gun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person.'.

(b) Conforming Amendment to Provisions Setting Forth Criminal Penalties- Section 1(c) of the Act of July 8, 1932 (47 Stat. 651; sec. 22-4501(c), D.C. Official Code) is amended to read as follows:

`(c) `Machine gun', as used in this Act, has the meaning given such term in section 101(10) of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975.'.


(a) Repeal of Requirement-

(1) IN GENERAL- Section 201(a) of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 (sec. 7-2502.01(a), D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking `any firearm, unless' and all that follows through paragraph (3) and inserting the following: `any firearm described in subsection (c).'.

(2) DESCRIPTION OF FIREARMS REMAINING ILLEGAL- Section 201 of such Act (sec. 7-2502.01, D.C. Official Code) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

`(c) A firearm described in this subsection is any of the following:

`(1) A sawed-off shotgun.

`(2) A machine gun.

`(3) A short-barreled rifle.'.

(3) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- The heading of section 201 of such Act (sec. 7-2502.01, D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking `Registration requirements' and inserting `Firearm Possession'.

(b) Conforming Amendments to Firearms Control Regulations Act- The Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 is amended as follows:

(1) Sections 202 through 211 (secs. 7-2502.02 through 7-2502.11, D.C. Official Code) are repealed.

(2) Section 101 (sec. 7-2501.01, D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking paragraph (13).

(3) Section 401 (sec. 7-2504.01, D.C. Official Code) is amended--

(A) in subsection (a), by striking `the District;' and all that follows and inserting the following: `the District, except that a person may engage in hand loading, reloading, or custom loading of ammunition for firearms lawfully possessed under this Act.'; and

(B) in subsection (b), by striking `which are unregisterable under section 202' and inserting `which are prohibited under section 201'.

(4) Section 402 (sec. 7-2504.02, D.C. Official Code) is amended--

(A) in subsection (a), by striking `Any person eligible to register a firearm' and all that follows through `such business,' and inserting the following: `Any person not otherwise prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm under Federal or District law, or from being licensed under section 923 of title 18, United States Code,'; and

(B) in subsection (b), by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows:

`(1) The applicant's name;'.

(5) Section 403(b) (sec. 7-2504.03(b), D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking `registration certificate' and inserting `dealer's license'.

(6) Section 404(a)(3) (sec. 7-2504.04(a)(3)), D.C. Official Code) is amended--

(A) in subparagraph (B)(i), by striking `registration certificate number (if any) of the firearm,';

(B) in subparagraph (B)(iv), by striking `holding the registration certificate' and inserting `from whom it was received for repair';

(C) in subparagraph (C)(i), by striking `and registration certificate number (if any) of the firearm';

(D) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by striking `registration certificate number or'; and

(E) by striking subparagraphs (D) and (E).

(7) Section 406(c) (sec. 7-2504.06(c), D.C. Official Code) is amended to read as follows:

`(c) Within 45 days of a decision becoming effective which is unfavorable to a licensee or to an applicant for a dealer's license, the licensee or application shall--

`(1) lawfully remove from the District all destructive devices in his inventory, or peaceably surrender to the Chief all destructive devices in his inventory in the manner provided in section 705; and

`(2) lawfully dispose, to himself or to another, any firearms and ammunition in his inventory.'.

(8) Section 407(b) (sec. 7-2504.07(b), D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking `would not be eligible' and all that follows and inserting `is prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm under Federal or District law.'.

(9) Section 502 (sec. 7-2505.02, D.C. Official Code) is amended--

(A) by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:

`(a) Any person or organization not prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm under Federal or District law may sell or otherwise transfer ammunition or any firearm, except those which are prohibited under section 201, to a licensed dealer.';

(B) by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:

`(c) Any licensed dealer may sell or otherwise transfer a firearm to any person or organization not otherwise prohibited from possessing or receiving such firearm under Federal or District law.';

(C) in subsection (d), by striking paragraphs (2) and (3); and

(D) by striking subsection (e).

(10) Section 704 (sec. 7-2507.04, D.C. Official Code) is amended--

(A) in subsection (a), by striking `any registration certificate or' and inserting `a'; and

(B) in subsection (b), by striking `registration certificate,'.

(c) Other Conforming Amendments- Section 2(4) of the Illegal Firearm Sale and Distribution Strict Liability Act of 1992 (sec. 7-2531.01(2)(4), D.C. Official Code) is amended--

(1) in subparagraph (A), by striking `or ignoring proof of the purchaser's residence in the District of Columbia'; and

(2) in subparagraph (B), by striking `registration and'.


Section 601(3) of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 (sec. 7-2506.01(3), D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking `is the holder of the valid registration certificate for' and inserting `owns'.


Section 702 of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 (sec. 7-2507.02, D.C. Official Code) is repealed.


(a) In General- Section 706 of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 (sec. 7-2507.06, D.C. Official Code) is amended--

(1) by striking `that:' and all that follows through `(1) A' and inserting `that a'; and

(2) by striking paragraph (2).

(b) Effective Date- The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to violations occurring after the 60-day period which begins on the date of the enactment of this Act.


Section 4(a) of the Act of July 8, 1932 (47 Stat. 651; sec. 22-4504(a), D.C. Official Code) is amended--

(1) in the matter before paragraph (1), by striking `a pistol,' and inserting the following: `except in his dwelling house or place of business or on other land possessed by that person, whether loaded or unloaded, a pistol,'; and

(2) by striking `except that:' and all that follows through `(2) If the violation' and inserting `except that if the violation'.


Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended in paragraph (b)(3) by inserting after `other than a State in which the licensee's place of business is located' the following: `, or to the sale or delivery of a handgun to a resident of the District of Columbia by a licensee whose place of business is located in Maryland or Virginia,'.

Tennessee Gentleman wrote:

Is this the one where they are trying to force the bill to the floor without committee voting? If so, I read about it and my Rep has already signed.

They say it probably won't go anywhere as the Senate is in deadlock. However, if this is the bill I read about it will get DC's attention.

No, as I understand, That bill, the one a Discharge Petition was created to move is H.R. 861, Reciprocity for Concealed Carry License Holders.

Also, even if H.R. 6691 gets House Floor Action as promised, personally speaking I do not trust the House Leadership (Speaker Pelosi), Senate action would be the next hurdle and remember, time is quite short. Also, given pasdt performance, rwemember congressional acdtion or lack thereof in 1976, how much faith do yu have in The Congress? Strikes me that we might expect bettetr from The Courts, but that's a guess on my part.