The 2008 Election

I think so far 2008 looks like its gonna be another lose lose like 2004.
Well...I dunno. I don't look at '04 as so much a referendum against Republicans as a referendum against party politics. Seen in that light, '04 wasn't actually a "lose" at all. The Republicans stand a very good chance in ' long as they don't nominate another party drone. Same applies to the Dems. People I talk to don't want to vote for Hillary, but they don't want Giuliani either.
People I talk to don't want to vote for Hillary, but they don't want Giuliani either.

Thats about where I stand. What I really want to hear a politicion talk about is jobs,fixing the 2nd amendment,healthcare,and ending the war on drugs. Im tired of politicions getting people riled up over abortion and gay marrige( things that dont have any effect on anyone but the people involved), but it will prolly be a cold day in hell before I see that.
"All suggestions appreciated."

I like both your sites! I especially appreciate all the work you did not just setting them up, but researching quotes and voting records. I think they will come in handy at election time.

If I were to offer criticism, it would be that I would pick a word other than "sportsman" to designate shooters. To me, it's a little vague, and seems to try to avoid the fact that we are talking about people who own and shoot firearms.

All you need to know are 3 words.

"We are screwed."

Between the Hildabeast and Osama Hussein Obama, Guiliani and McInsane we may as well not even bother voting. Maybe join Al Qaeda, the liberals are more lenient on terrorists than they are American gun owners. Maybe if everyone joins Al Qaeda they will give us all Harvard scholarships like they have in the past.
"sportsmen" => "gunowners" ? I know militant feminism is out, but the potential interpreted gender/sex bias of "sportsmen" is still a liability.

Is there a reason the login form only appears on the main page of each site? I think making the login form consistent across the site would improve usability and maintainability.

Those tradesports graphs are really cool. I'm used to foresight-exchange-type benefactor markets, though, so I don't get how a real-money event-futures market works. Perhaps I should venture past the front page of tradesports to find out...

I cannot let your defeatist attitude go without response.

Learn from your defeat. Take notes. Ask "Why did we get our asses handed to us by the electorate?"

It wasn't the failure to "stay the course" or a lack of conservatism. You're ignoring the mainstream middle which is why you bit the dust. The dems didn't make this mistake.

So go ahead. Be a defeatist and have a repeat in '08. Or study what really happened and find some pro-gun Democrats to suck up to.

All is not lost,

Pro-gun democrats? You'd have better luck sending petitions to the tooth fairy. The so-called 'pro-gun' democrats will fold like origami when Nancy Pelosi tells them to toe the party line concerning gun grabbing.

Bush is just dumb enough he might agree to sign a gun ban beyond the UN's wildest dreams in exchange for Democrats fast tracking his illegal immigration shamnesty.