The 1999 Tacky Taste Awards (Rosie O'Donnell )

WoW! I feel less like a minority now.

hmmmmm....maybe there is hope.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Miss D.,

Give us the link to those Rosie boards so we can do a recon for you. Isn't this fun?


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If you're known for the company you keep (sleazebags and slut-muffins) which is Rosie? It's interesting that the others are slammed for a combination of appearance and behavior, Rosie gets nailed on her behavior - maybe the masses have more taste (and a hint of principles) than they get credit for.
Its hard to type this early -

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited December 02, 1999).]

Here is the link. I just checked it out and it wasnt as bad as I thought. Thankfully the few friends that I still have there jumped in. But then there are the die hard Rosie fans that say we have freedom of speech, yet dont seem to understand we also have freedom of RKBA. If you post there , be nice, ;) or my email will fill up quick with flames. LOL
I really didnt say much,just thought it would be fun to see the reaction of Rosies popularity falling. :)
Miss D.,
Thank you for the opportunity to share my opinions of Rosie. Heh, heh. I was SOOO "touchy-feely" as I shredded her!! :D :D
Thanks for the link to the poll! A few of my replies...

1. What things do you like most about The Rosie O'Donnell Show?

The fact that I don’t get it on my television.

2. Why?

Because it's nice to know that there's no possibility I could ever view the show, even by accident while going through other channels.

3. And what things do you like least about The Rosie O'Donnell Show, no matter how small they seem?

Rosie. And she don't seem small.

4. Why?

Why don't I like her? Because I’m the NRA.

Why doesn't she seem small? I dunno... pork chops, maybe?

5. What, if anything, would you have them change about The Rosie O'Donnell Show to make you watch it more?

Combine it with Fox's "When Animals Attack."
5. What, if anything, would you have them change about The Rosie O'Donnell Show to make you watch it more?

My response ... If it was called "The David Letterman Show".
My response to number 5?

Replace Rosie with Colonel Jeff Cooper. Pay the man whatever you have to, then get out of his way. Colonel Cooper will make a bigger impact on gun deaths his first day than Rosie did in her first 2 years.

BTW, Miss D, you should see what I left on Rosie's board under your topic. Hope I don't get you in trouble but my email is right there.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Gwinnydapooh, LOL! I just read what you wrote there, I dont think it was bad but they are going to freak. Here's an email I got from one of them just a few minutes ago:

>Why are you starting the gun sh*t up again
>on our boards? Haven't we heard enough on
>that topic already? I really dont care what
>your opinion about Rosie is, we like her its
>boards for her fans, not for gun freaks. By
>starting that thread you are inviting Yukon
>jack and all his friends to come back there
>and start trouble. Nobody wants to hear that
>SH*T again!!!! Go talk about it at your
>little gun boards not at Rosie. You >obviously do not contribute to our boards
>anymore unless it is gun related so why not
>just keep your mindless opinions to yourself
>and flame Rosie over there with the rest of
>those losers? PLEASE! We are in the
>Christmas mood now and dont need this.

So I wrote a little email back to this person:


If you will notice I did not say anything that has to do with firearms. I pointed out a link that I thought would be of interest to you obsessed Rosie fans. Like I said, I do like Rosie, I think she does a lot of good for charities, but I think she should stay focused on that. As long as she continues her war against guns there is always going to be posts there about guns, like it or not. Maybe you should email her and tell her to shut up because all her fans are taking the rap for it. Also, if you open your eyes and read a little, you will see I do contribute, but I only post to those that do not judge me for what I believe in. I dont have time to hit all the posts that are related to eating 24 hours a day. I am not the only pro-gun person on that board, yet seem to be the only one that gets slammed for it. Any time there is a gun post I always try and put an opinion on it, never have I flamed any of you for being anti-gun, I am just trying to open your blinded by Rosie eyes. I also dont like the way you call gun owners gun freaks. They are not freaks by any means and they have a right as you do, to speak their minds. JeffOTMG owns MANY guns, do you think he is a freak? I dont see anyone flaming him when he posts. So what makes the others freaks then? Sure there are trolls, they are on every board, flame them back or ignore them its your choice. I have never trolled and never will, but I will continue to type my opinion. Rosie has her freedom of speech and so do I.

BTW....Christmas is a holiday for everyone, we are also in the Christmas mood, yet we have to deal with anti-gun people like yourself everyday, and 'we just dont need that right now'.

Have a nice day,

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
gee Gwinny, maybe you should have left a pie with your post. ;)
On Rosie's board I am YUKON JACK! So I must be getting to them, heh,heh,heh. Thank you Miss D for passing that on.

And so it goes....
Hi Jack. Nice to meetcha.

Miss D, it's too bad they blame you for what we posted. I think you and I are light years apart where Rosie is concerned but you're taking heat over my opinion. I don't understand that since my email address is clearly visible, but I suppose it's their prerogative.
As for pie, you said that, not me. I wasn't going to mention their topics but let's just say they aren't helping raise my opinion of Rosie's fans--they're lucky I know some of her fans who talk about something other than desserts and TV.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Here are my survey responses (not really funny, but still a thorn in her side):

1. What things do you like most about The Rosie O'Donnell Show?

The fact that I've never seen it.

2. Why?

Because I'm the NRA and she's a dunce.

3. And what things do you like least about The Rosie O'Donnell Show, no matter how small they seem?

Rosie herself, of course.

4. Why?

Because she's a fascist anti-freedom Nazi who is pro-violence. Being anti-violence myself, I cannot condone her pro-violence stance (the social science proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that more guns equal less violent crime). [my hopeless attempt at actual persuasion]

5. What, if anything, would you have them change about The Rosie O'Donnell Show to make you watch it more?

Have her bodyguards on the show, and have them swear under oath they don't use any weapons to defend her; only their hands, their charm, and a phone to dial 911.

Everyone: Be sure and join the fun. Participate today!