The 110 Grain Winchester .357 HP Cartridge


New member
I did an informal test of this round and have ruled it out as a carry load. I set up 10 half-gallon jugs of water in a row and fired. The bullet stopped in the third one with an indent on the back of that jug. By comparison the Winchester 130 grain .38 (these are both Walmart ammo) penetrated 9. The +P 158 grain HP .38 does 6. I know this was a very limited test but to me it suggests that high velocity reduces penetration. With the .357 there was all the flash and recoil indictive of that caliber. Any comments would be appreciated.
The mixture of high velocity and low weight, meaning low sectional density for the .357 diameter was the reason for low penetration.

Try a 125 - 158 grain .357 and you will get better results, a .38 special doesn't even compare with the .357 for penetration and expansion with the right loads.
Yes, I thought about that light weight of the 110 grain bullet later. I had been drawn to it as a carry load, beause I thought it was lower-powered, but seeing its lack of penetration will consider something else. I'm looking for a slow and heavy round and may go to Cabala's Ultramax .357 cartridge.
when shooting into water the faster the bullet usually the less penetration you'll get. human/animal tissue is a lot different than water, your test results would probably differ if you used something like ballistics gellatin.

what happened to the bullets after they were fired into the water? did they expand, break apart, or just maintain their shape?
My info is that you multiply the number of jugs penetrated, including the one where the round is recovered, by 2 1/2 for human penetration. That's just rough of course, for one who hasn't got the geletin. Funny thing, I found the indent on the inside backside of the third jug but when pouring out the water no bullet was found. Where did it go? Did it fragment so that I just didn't see it? Did it pop up through the bottle's top? That was the mystery.

If you are still reading I shamefacedly report that this morning getting ready to take trash to the dump I found the bullet. It was in the jug all the time and for some reason I missed it before. An HP, it was neatly crimped and round. It wasn't much lead, so much for the 110 grain.
I have played around with milk jugs and believe penetration has to do with velocity and the construction of the bullet. Duh, but was fun doing.
A 158gr. Lead wad cutter from a 38 would go thru half a dozen milk jugs then on into several inches of newspaper. The slug would be complete and the jugs only had a hole thru them.
A 52 gr. hollow point from a .223 at 3000+ fps would not penetrate the second jug. All you could find of the bullet was tiny fragments of copper and maybe a tiny piece of lead. The first jug literally exploded, the outside of the second was broken from the concussing of the firsts violent bursting.
My conclusion after several bullets and calibers is Speed and/or bullet construction about everything.
I use 125 gr. hollow points in a 357 trying to strike a happy medium between penetration and expansion in a self defense bullet, from a under 3 inch barreled revolver