That target bullet that powderizes....


New member
hi all...
I heard about some bullet somewhere...that is a new idea on a target will penetrate reletivly thin/soft stuff (i.e. paper) and then when it hits the hard back wall of the range it turns to dust.'s my question.
What would this do if a human was shot with this bullet?
Would it have enough hold-together power to penetrate skin/clothing but stop when it gets to bone? Would that be a lesser or greater injury? (I'm thinking lesser)
Also I wonder about the material its made of, because if it was lead then you could cause them a slow death by lead poisoning.

Any thoughts? Aditions?
I'm just kinda thinking in text.


Mouse Assassins inc.
If you're talking rifle, the original 40-grain bullet in .220 Swift behaved that way. And I used to swage 80-grain .32-20 flat-nosed bullets to .308, ahead of 55 grains of 3031 in my .06--it was a little rough on housecats and jackrabbits.

Pistols? Hmm. A frangible material. Real brittle, to disintegrate at low speeds. If you hit a person, it would probably behave similarly to a Glaser. Dunno. The idea rings a bell, but I don't remember where.

An interesting "In the house" load a guy wrote about some years back was a .44 Mag loaded with 1/2" lengths of 1/16" or 3/32" welding rod, and the interstices filled with #9 or #8 shot. All held in place with gas checks. His testing indicated horrible results on a whole chicken but it would not penetrate two layers of sheetrock. Don't upset the next-door apartment-dwellers that way.

Try a search engine on "frangible bullets"?

Best luck :-)
hahaha Fragile Bullets!

This was something I saw somewhere on a vidio tape...was a pistol target bullet that was like pressed together lead powder, or something...held together throu firing and all...when it hit the back stop turned into dust.


Mouse Assassins inc.
Delta ammo made frangible practice bullet. It is a powderized ferrous metal bullet that was bound together with epoxy. Designed for CQB practice against steel with no risk to the shooter. If I recollect correctly, Winchester bought the bullet/design/Delta and is now making this for LE types.

Very safe to use, no lead removal concerns and turns into dust on impact. This makes it easy to clean up. Broom and dustpan are all that is needed.

Watch yer 6!
Winchester, Fed & Remington all make a frangible bullet now. Since tests have shown that frangibles will easily hold together even through sheet rock walls, you don't have to worry about the thick jacket theory.

They were developed as a training round and to reduce lead contamination at ranges (esp. indoor ranges). While not recommended by some manufacturers as a self defense round, make no mistake, frangibles can kill.

If anyone wants to see for him/herself, buy a turkey and let it thaw. Wrap a blanket around it and shoot it. Besides wasting Thanksgiving dinner, you'll probably be happy it was the turkey and not you in the blanket.