That sleezy muther****er (State of the Union address)

How did Clinton ever come up with the statistic that "federal gun prosecutions are UP 16% since he came into orifice"?

Also, did anyone notice that he said (direct quote)
"(after the Columbine incident, we) stood up to the American people and passed sensible gun control".

He meant to say, "we stood up to the gun lobby, and stood up FOR the American people to pass gun control".

I think his little slip of the tongue revealed more than he meant it to.

We are going to have to fight this snake up until the very day he slithers out of the office.

Fighting him for the next several months will be a chore, but then we are somewhat homefree, because HE JUST KILLED ANY HOPE OF A DEMOCRAT WINNING THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE THIS YEAR.
Actually, we're going to be fighting this snake for decades yet; How many federal judges do you suppose he appointed, with lifetime tenure? And unlike former Presidents' appointees, THESE judges are conspiring together... Heard about how the ones in DC hold monthly meetings, closed door, with no other President's appointees permitted?

Sic semper tyranus!
Yes, but here's the good news:

As soon as Klinton trumpeted his "sensible gun registering" scheme, the REPUBLICAN Congressional leaders publicly vowed:

"Never in this Congress, Never in any Congress if we can help it".

Funny, I didn't see any third party people out there...... Maybe they were to tiny for me to see anyway...... Oops, here I go again (self-slap on the wrist)......

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.
The best line in the whole speech was where he stated that Al Gore had sought to make our cities more Liberal ... er ... I mean livable.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
Klinkton's call for handgun registration could work out to be a good thing for our side; it may help to get the politically uninvolved gun owner into the fight.

We should be able to make a good case by tying the registration scheme and later gun confiscation actions in California to the potential implications of a national registration scheme.

No worries with Klinkton. The castrated bull can sing all the love songs he wants in the pasture, but no calf is gonna come from him.
Youve got it right, not only are we fighting this sob's appointed judges who are doing as you said conspiring together in closed meetings which is at the very least against the traditions of the supreme ct., with this group is their any doubt of their intent...I honestly dont think the clintons plan on being out of the public eye or power if they can help it......they have a great political machine and theres always ms sob, and then there's the good daughter coming along.......we will be fighting these folks until we die...fubsy.
Cassandra, I heard that too. I knew I couldn't be the only one in the world to catch it. Lots of folks her on TFL, I'll bet heard that snake say it, but I haven't heard anyone in the media mention it.
I also shudder that he used the word 'globalization' several times.
I thought it was interesting that he mentioned that (paraphrase)"we have incoming trade from China, and that when he gets them into the WTO, we will have open trade going to China."
Boys and Girls, I wonder in which part of China this guys rancho is located?
Straybr, if this Clinton/Gore scheme can unite gun owners, we could have a replay of the '94 election (the defeat Clinton blamed on the NRA). But, there's that word, "if."
How do we get the guys (many of them loyal union members) who take their 30-06 out once a year to stand up to Gore? If Gore is to be defeated, it's going to take some grassroots work on the part of gunowners to do it.
