That old left hand


Busted up my right shoulder the other day and my right arm is pretty useless. Brought up an issue I've had, left handed shooting for right handed shooters. What if you get in a gun fight, you shoot right handed and get hit in the right arm or right shoulder? Sure would be nice to be able to also shoot left handed. If you are behind a barrier that forces you to shoot left handed, same thing, nice capability.
What say the rest of you???? :cool:
I'm right handed and I shoot a few magazines left handed whenever I practice. What I've gone away from is shooting with two hands. This just doesn't seem realistic to me in a defensive situation, and with my carry gun, it's impossible anyway. So I've been concentrating more on one handed shooting - but alternating hands.
lefty shooting

I am normally left handed. I shoot a lot of practical shooting games. when I practice I always spend a little time with the weak hand. Good for competition and good for bad times in the middle of the night also.
I shoot some with my off hand,,,

I also practice point shooting,,,
and shooting while moving,,,
and other stuff.

When people ask "Why?",,,
I answer "Why not?"

Besides, it's kinda fun,,,

I got shot in my right hand (don't ask, cause its not up for discussion).

I had my hand all taped up with I went back to work and my Patrol Sgt asked if I could draw and shoot left handed. (I was still wearing my service revolver on my right side). I showed him by reaching around with my left had and pulling the revolver out. He shook his head and told me go go to property and draw a left handed holster. I did and spent a great deal of time practicing before I could get it down.

NEVER AGAIN, I always practice with my left hand. Nothing beats dry firing with a Laser sight for getting your left hand in shape. I also walk around my range shooting empty shotgun hulls laying on the ground using my 642 in my left hand.

I also carry my 642 in my left pants pocket. Normally you would have time getting a good two handed grip, but I still spend a lot of time drawing and firing with my left hand.

I also practice the course of fire I use for my HR218 qualification using nothing but my left hand and found I have no problem qualifying.

I will add, it was a lot easier to learn to shoot left handed then write left handed. I had to go to the bank and do another signature card so I could write checks.
Ditto that, I still can't write left handed and I have tried for 60 years. Was surprised at my first PPC match when I had to shoot left handed from behind a barrier, I had never given it a thought before. Started practicing it religiously till there was little difference between my two hands. Don't do it as often since my shoulder surgery but still practice the last rounds of the day left handed just to keep the skill alive.
I'm a big proponent of teaching both hands to do the job.


For the record this was draw from a pocket holster and shoot fast/combat speed.
I was inspired by a fellow that was a right handed shooter then lost vision in his right eye. He now shoots as a lefty at the trap range and hits better than 23 of 25 most of the time. So I know it can be done and done well. With that said lets just say as a lefty he's better than I am at this type of shooting. I will continue to try and hopeful I'll improve.
I am right-handed but practice with my left hand almost every time I go to the range. Still don't do it as much as I should.