That Loud, Sucking Sound You Hear...


New member
is the sound of a power vacuum in the Palestinian political/military/terrorist command structure now that Arafat has been officially declared dead (thank you, geebus). Many shoot 'em ups and blow 'em ups to follow.
Stay tuned.
I thought the loud, sucking sound was supposed to be coming from Iraq? Is this the same loud, sucking sound, or a new and completely different loud, sucking sound? If it is a new loud, sucking sound, will it be competing with the aforementioned Iraqi loud, sucking sound, or working in concert to form what might someday be a really loud, sucking sound?

Actually, it seems like the the loud, sucking sound you brought up in Iraq was a completely different kind of loud, sucking sound, and that it might be working in opposition to this new loud, sucking sound.

Is sucking sound cancellation possible? :D
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Arafat right now is meeting his 42 virgins..

And they are all big burly guys named "Bubba"..


The whole thing sucks to varying degrees. If I hear one more politico or pundit call this rat bastard a hero or statesman I'm gonna go insane...a short trip, mind you.

If you think that THIS is good theater, wait 'til Fidel kicks his breathing habit and reaches room temperature.
Humm, a Palestinian civil war. Like the time the Commies shot it out with the Clan, stand back, keep the innocents clear and give the survivors a fair trial afore ya hangs 'um!

Who remembers Arafat in NYC, carrying a pistol. Diplomatic immunity for terrorists and murders, slave classes of US of A need not apply. And to think they tossed Bernie Gotez in jail. Ghod I hate NYC.
Hopefully the various factions will keep killing each other and save us the effort of having to do it ourselves. I just hope that the collateral damage is kept to a minimum.
I would think Arafat would be in the same wing as Sadaam Hussein's two subhuman sons along with the 11 Sept. hijackers.

Long may they all burn!
Geoff, he carried it into the UN and they let him !!! The Palestinians are brainless, they see Arafat as a hero despite the fact that he kept most of the money given to him for the Palestinians. He never set up a proper government structure . He told kids to become suicide bombers instead of telling them to go to school and get an education. :mad: