That Age Thing


New member
Except for the D drive on the computer I never owned a cd player.
With summer coming my son and me went to pick up some summertime fun stuff,
lawn mower
. While at the store we looked at the radios and picked up portable with a cd player. Now the age sets in. While he is in school I sit here listening to a Beatles cd. When it was over I tried to go and turn it to the flip side. Was 1965 that long ago?
Well, at least you weren't looking for the button to change tracks.

PS Any man that does not enjoy mowing just hasn't gotten a big enough mower yet. I think it is a testosterone thing.


TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
Since this is a light hearted theme, it's a good place for my favorite lawnmower joke. And the best part is you can't stop me if you've already heard it!

A young man was working at a small town hardware store for his summer job. The store was the kind that sold a little of everything you could want. [I miss those types of stores.]

The store owner was telling him how he could increase sales and still help out the customer by suggesting an add on purchase. As a customer walked up with a bag of grass seed, the owner said, "Here watch me and you'll understand what I mean."

The customer plops down the bag of seed on the counter and the owner says, "Say, looks like you're going to have a nice new lawn. Do you need a new lawnmower?"

The customer says, "You know, I probably do. My old one is about 15 years old and may not last much longer."

So the owner and the customer go pick out a new mower and the customer leaves.

The owner says to the young man, "You see what I mean? It helps us and it helps the customer." "Yeah, I think I get it. Let me try it out with the next customer.", said the boy.

Soon another customer walks up to the counter and puts down a bottle of Midol. The young man says to the customer, "Say, do you need a new lawnmower to go with that?"

Both the customer and the store owner look at him with a very puzzled look. The customer says, "Now why the heck would I need a lawnmower with this?"

The boy replies, "Well your weekend is shot, might as well mow the lawn."
If I've ever hhhhhhhereerrddddd iotiitittt,,III cannn't'tt't remeemme BBBWWHWHWHWHWHWHWHHWHWHSHHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!
Age thing, huh?

Well, that's why I married a young girl. I decided in my old age, I'd rather smell perfume than liniment.