Thanks DAD ! Know your target


I would like to add to the saying know your tager and beyond to know your target , whats beyond and whats between the muzzle and the target . Note when shooting on a chevy bedside across the bed , aim high ! Ithought that round sounded funny . btw it was a hollow point 7.62x39

... that Sucks..

... Tell everyone its one of the stickers that look like a hole

... man that really looks like a hole.:cool:
About 1970 I sold a fellow that I worked with a 7 mm Mauser. He took it out to shoot it. He had a 1963 Chevy convertible. He used his convertible top as a shooting bench. When he touched off the first round, the muzzle blast blew a hole in his convertible top big enough to stick your head through. He then got mad at me for not telling him that it would do that. I just laughed at him and told him I didn't know he was going to go out and blow a hole in his top.

Took the company suburban out shooting during a sales meeting for a small company I used to work for. We used the hood for a gun rest. The windshield had a crack from an errant rock. The muzzle blasts pretty much necessitated a replacement windshield. Whoops....
My dad was out hunting with a few buddys last year. They were at camp shooting my dads Mac 11. One of the guys picked it up, walked away from everyone to go shoot, pulled the bolt back and instantly sprayed 4 bullets into another guys truck. Then proclaimed "MY HAND WASN'T ON THE TRIGGER" LMAO. Needless to say that guy didn't touch a firearm the rest of the trip as that gun has never failed anyone that has ever used it. Myself and my two little brothers have been shooting that thing since we were around 11-12 and never had one incident.
welllll, as a teenager I had two incidents.....

1.) One time I blew a hole in the ceiling with a 12 ga. I had gone to my room, grabbed it and chambered a shell. Crows were flying over and I needed one to put on my wall. As I walked down the hall I placed the butt on my belt with the barrel pointed up with the tip near the ceiling. For some reason I thought the safety was on and just pulled trigger. Whoops.....Thankfully nobody else was home. I stuck wet toilet paper in the hole and it was never noticed, believe it or not.

2.) Another day I was on the back deck and a million starlings were flying over. I fetched my trusty, ceiling killer 12 ga. again and came back out and picked out a starling and led it over the top of the house. BLAMMO!!! I didn't notice the starling falling but I did stare in disbelief as our tv antenna went down. An 8 shot pellet sliced a guide wire and down it came. I fixed that one, too, and nobody ever knew. I glanced in the front yard and there was a dead starling. I don't know if I actually hit it or if it died laughing at me. So, if you ever see me walking around with a 12 ga. you might wanna go in another direction.
i called one of my customers to tell him his boat was ready and he informed me it may be a few days b/c his '08 f250 was down , he had his 270 in the back with the muzzle pointed at the center consol , well his kid racked a round and it fired , exploding the center consol and a box of 45's then went thru the floor , thru the main wires for the transmission and then stopped on the trans housing . truck only had 2-3 gears till they fixed the wiring harness . lol . btw i shot a 12ga wad thru the ceiling too and also fixed it with wet toilet paper and it has not been noticed for over 20 yrs now , its safe to tell them now lol . also had a 000 buck pellet deflect and hit the quater panel on my tahoe . seems ever truck i have now has a bullet wound
guess I may as well fess up

a buddy and I had been shooting most of the day, as we were packing up we noticed a few pop cans had escaped, not wanting to leave any survivors we took aim, my buddy on the passenger side of the truck squatted down I took a rest on the back corner of My truck bed and away we went with .22 semi auto rifles on my last shot just as I pulled the trigger I noticed a glimpse of a diffrent color green in the scope then heard a funny shot noise my buddy said "hold up"........ sure enough I had hit the other corner of my truck bed, at least it was just a .22, and we did get all the cans.

wet toilet paper to patch holes in the ceiling, interesting.
had a old 11 shot top break 22 pistol , first time shooting it i cocked it back with the muzzle pointed down . well it cocked but the hammer did not stay . it grazed the tip of my shoe . i unloaded it and never shot it again
My old roommate peppered our tv with birdshot, he was trying to make a snap cap out of a live shell. Emptied the powder and flushed it out with water, he didnt think about the primer... boy was i ticked when I got home.
I shot an old .22/.410 combo o/u off the hood of a friend's truck back about 25 years ago, I shot 3 or 4 .22LR rounds at a can, poking some holes in it, then it just blew the can all apart on the next shot.

It seems the selector switch was faulty and allowed both barrels to fire at once, no damage to the truck, but it was interesting...

We had the gun fixed, by the way.
I put 2 pretty serious powder burns across the hood of my grandpa's truck shooting a deer when I was 15..... laid the gun across the hood and leaned into the scope .... nobody noticed till we got the deer loaded and were headed back home.......
I shot a hole in the arm rest of a folding camping chair with my .22 using it as a rest one time, fortunatly .22 holes blend in with wear and tear pretty well:D
. btw i shot a 12ga wad thru the ceiling too

Hmmm something about these 12 gauges. Was dumb and racked the benelli a few time to check it was clear. Then depressed the button chambering a round from the tube, into the ol hot and ready position and fired her straight thru my stairs into the ajoining closet.

Been shooting since I was 6. Never and incident prior, and after sh*tting my pants and ruining the stairs and closet wall, never since. I am thankful for it. It has made me THAT much more careful. A lesson I will never forget. Interesting when the worker(s) showed up to fix everything:o
My old roommate peppered our tv with birdshot, he was trying to make a snap cap out of a live shell. Emptied the powder and flushed it out with water, he didnt think about the primer... boy was i ticked when I got home.
I just don't get it. I know it is possible to do it, but highly improbable that anyone would leave the shot in the shell while removing the powder and also much more difficult to accomplish than removing both would be. How did he go about removing it without removing the shot?
Glenn Bartley said:
I just don't get it. I know it is possible to do it, but highly improbable that anyone would leave the shot in the shell while removing the powder and also much more difficult to accomplish than removing both would be. How did he go about removing it without removing the shot?

He probably removed the shot and powder, then put the shot back in and recrimped, most likely to make the "snap cap" have a realistic weight.
Ok Two quick stories

A long time ago when I was roughly 14 or 15 years old my parents had left for work for the day and I was off with a snow day. At that time my dad was real particular about his guns and did not want me handling them. I managed to jimmy my way into his gun cabinet and get his 3006 pump. With a little guilt on my mind i wanted to shoot it quickly and get it back into the cabinet. I opened up my parents bedroom window and began shooting at our mailbox (metal) After a couple shots I notice that the bullets were really peeling back the metal and it looked really cool. I proceeded to empty the 6 round magazine into the mailbox before returning the gun. After I was finished I was watching tv not even thinking about what I had done. My father walked into the house with a package in his hand that was completely shredded. I cant remember what was in the package or exactly what happened at that point. I just remember a good deal of crying on my part from the nice A** whoopin he put on me! I am now 30 and he keeps the mailbox to show me every time I go to his house.

During college I had a roomate named John. One sunny afternoon after we sold our books back we decided to go get new handguns from a local gun shop. John wound up bying a glock 19. You all know how exciting it is to get a new gun and I definately understand what he was doing. John went to the bathroom to talk to a man about a horse and took his new glock with him. While playing with it on the toilet he must have racked one in the chamber and messed with the trigger. He shot a hole straight through the tile wall and right into the next bedroom. Fortunately no one was home but us or the situation could have been worse. I used to have a pic of the bathroom, if I could find it I would post!
Many, many moons ago my brother took my shot gun off the hutch and proceeded to blow a hole in my mattress. He did ask me not to tell dear old mom and my reply was how could I explain the hole when she changed the bed sheets? I only could imagine the mess he had to clean out of his pants after that shot:eek: