Thanks Art!

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Don't know about the rest of you folks, but while I "moderated" Art gave classes. The number of contributers is enormous, but Art stands out.

I have some years of experiance, Art Eatman has decades. Guys like Art made TFL what it was - and will be!

Can't say enough good things!


Art, I will miss ya. I feel like I know ya even though I never met ya. You are one of the OFs.

George, OFIT
Hey, I'm just on standby til Oleg's up and running! I ain't dead, dammit! :D

I was just real lucky. My mother's parents bought 150 acres about five miles out of town, and from age five (1939) I had the opportunity to wander "out in the brush" until around 1949. Then, I moved out there full time in the late '60s (1960s, Dennis) and spent a good bit of time back in the brush. And, got into leased-ranch hunting with a heckuva bunch of good, old-time hunters. With the last near-20 years living at the edge of a really large wilderness area in the desert, I've just had more opportunity to "live with critters" than most folks.

And I like to tell serious stuff funny.

:), Art
Art-if your ticker has stopped, can I have that most famous Weatherby in 30-06? Might just pull me away from my 308:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Nope-better not grow wings and a halo just yet. You have a lot of kids like me to educate. Looking foreward to hearing more common sense from the Art-man on the new site!

It makes me very happy to know we'll see you at Oleg's new site! The King is dead, long live the King... or something like that!

Art, let me add my thanks as well. I've appreciated your comments and humor during my stay at TFL. Looking forward to continuing the discussion on Oleg's new site.
So you deny being dead, do you?


Many thanks for your help here at TFL. Thanks to your advice, I've been able to put together a nice little bunch of used rifles (including a Marlin 45, an M1A, a Garand and two 03A3s) without getting burnt once.

See ya around, maybe run into you.
thanks from a newbie

Thanks to everyone who made this site great. I'm new here and have loved it so far. I'm going to miss it.

Fair winds