Thank You

Darren Laur

New member
Just a note to let all of you know, that due to personal and professional reasons, my last posting on Multiple Opponents will likely be my last. I have enjoyed my time participating in this forum and will still lurk around from time to time.

I hope those who read my postings enjoyed the information

Strength and Honor

Darren Laur
thank you very, very much for all the time and effort you put into the information you shared with us. I've saved it all and consider it a most excellent reference.

good luck in all your future endeavors!

All I can say is:

Seriously though, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we have VERY much enjoyed reading your work. I hope that you will choose to return and share more of your insight with us at some point, but if not, we bid you a very fond farewell.
Darren's contributions to this and many other forums have been a great service to everyone who took the time to read, and think, about his posts.

Good Luck, in all your future endeavors.

Paul Gomez