Thank you to the members, here is what I have assembled.


New member
Some of the folks here really helped out to make this speech, and I would like to thank them for helping me.

I may make this a continual issue piece on my site, and would appreciate any reccomendations on additions or holes in my line of reasoning or logic.


Looks good and a lot of work went into it.

Couple of picknitters;
1. German gun control way before 1938, It was incremented by degree much like ours.
2. Blue text on black background unreadable, have to highlight to read it and that may trip an unseen link.

Using Gore as an example; the slightest error, actual or perceived, may be used against you and to discount the whole thing.

Respectfully, Sam
dameon, most excellent!

Dear Dameon,

That was one of the best pro-gun pieces
I have ever read and I have been reading pro-gun
web sites for 4 years now.

Prehaps, it was THE BEST I have ever read.

It ABSOLUTLY needs to be a permanant edition to
your web site.

I have read pro-gun sites full of statisctics, I have read pro-gun sites throwing facts out in your face,
and I have writen my own pro-gun articles.

I think I know a good,
precise, powerful and easy to understand, direct, to the point and hard hitting article when I see it.

Your blew my socks off. I wish I could write as clearly
and precisely. Any one with even a partly open mind,
no mater how mis- informed by anti gun propaganda and
brainwashing could not fail to see the truth shining
out like a light house in a storm and begin to question
their pre concieved viewpoints about gun control.

A most powerfull work of goodness; 10 thumbs up!

awesome. Needs to be made permanent.

CR - Thanks, changed link colors on the site to bright white, hopefully this will help one of the issues.

As for the Germany one, thinking of rephrasing as more of
Total gun control was acheived in 1938...


*blush* Thank you, I've spent several hours trying to be clear and understandable in the writing, without sounding like a "gun nut". I am glad that it is making the impact I want, as explaining my logic, facts, and other items without sounding like I'm reading off an NRA pamphlet.

The permanent edition will address a couple of things that I ran out of time to address.

- Suicide Rates / Claims guns in the house increase suicide.
- Accidental deaths
- different opening / no references to my direct opponent.
- Specific proposals on where we can go from here to reduce crime, accidents, and violence.
"total control in 1938" also not quite right. Focus on why you are saying it! Guns were taken away from Jews. Say that! They passed a specific law keeping Jews from having weapons, not just guns.
Dameon, that is absolutely great! You mentioned that it was a speech. For what venue? Is this for a college class or for a more public forum? Just curious. Congratulations on a concise and well-written piece.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.

Well Researched
Reliable sources
Sound logic
Liked personal email scrawled on chalkboard to emphasise personal commitment to the cause.
"Preach on!" comment by one
Have one person workin on goin shootin. (to me, the most important thing)

"Information overload" - too many facts and figures hitting in rapid fire... some not being listened to as they are hitting too fast.

"It can't happen in America" attitude to blow off info about Genocide. Countered with what America did to Native Americans, giving them smallpox infected blankets, Trail of Tears (aka DEATH MARCH), and butchering women & children also brought up more modern instance: Japanese Concentration Camps during WWII. People being rounded up.... one step away from rounded up & exterminated.

"Guns wouldn't have saved the Jews". Pulled out info on Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, with 10 handguns, Jews revolted and gained ground.

But the kicker.... I could NOT believe someone thinks this way....

This gal says in all seriousness:

"I'm glad the little girl didn't get the gun, because could she handle living with the fact she killed somone for the rest of her life?"

SWEET JESUS! The fact that her family members are
being butchered in front her isn't going to screw with her brain severely already???!!!

But what can I say... with logic like hers.... no wonder Democrats are in office and Rosie is still on the air.

I'll let you guys know of my grade in a couple of weeks when they're handed back.
From Your website" Windham for president-2020" I'd say You've got a good start going on a following, although the chances of MY still being around to go to the polls that long are chancy, at best.
paranoia is a pretty good outlook when THEY are out to get You!