Thank you to TFL LEOs

Futo Inu

New member
It dawned on me last evening that it must be kinda tough for our LEO friends here (like Rob) to remain level-headed with all the trashing of so much LEO conduct (albeit mostly deserved). They deserve to be patted on the back for realizing the importance of RKBA, civil rights, etc., over the "brotherhood" of LEOs. I bring this up because, in my limited experience, LEOs seem to be trained to be a total breed apart, protecting their own kind at all costs (normally); defending other LEO actions in all circumstances. For the LEOs here at TFL to retain an objective view in the various discussions involving LEOs is commmendable. Too bad the same cannot be said for so many LEOs, but I suppose this is merely a function of their training. Not an excuse, just an explanation.
Amen to that.

I sometimes take heat for defending LEO's. This is the cost of my opinion and it's OK with me.

I just hate to see any group broadbrushed because of the actions of some of it's leaders or rank and file Members. This serves only to divide the ranks of those who believe in the Bill of Rights and it plays right into our Enemies' hands.

One can denounce an event, a policy, a trend or a regime without tarring the good guys. I'm rally proud to see that, for the most part, TFL Members are careful to make the distinction.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 31, 1999).]
A friend of mine, who is a LEO, has expressed very strongly that he will not participate in the disarming of lawful citizens (he's refering to confiscation). He will resign his job or be fired before he does that.

I can only hope that those LEO's who feel the same way are hedging their bet by creating a second income so the financial pressure that premature resignation or sacking can create does not cause them to second guess their decision.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Thanks for the thought, Futo.

Let me say, in response to John's post, that when the day comes that I have to turn in my badge in order to keep my honor as a gun owner a secure source of income is likely to be the least of my worries.

Now, in the spirit of fair play, I have some disturbing news to report, regarding the "training" mentioned above....

I'll start a new thread, so as not to taint this one.

I would tend to agree with Rob... it is most likely that at the time the order goes out to "disarm 'em" those that choose to set aside thier badge instead will have other things to be concerned about ... as we all will. These guys might just be useful to those of us that are supposed to be disarmed... they could be very helpful. :)

Until such time, to them: enforce the law as evenhanded as you can.
I am not so certain that the officers who said that they would rather be fired or resign then to confiscate weapons have thought out all of the options. There is another option, go forth and "do your job". It can be just as amazing to miss something as it is to see something.

Nothing like throwing sand into the bureaucratic machine. Serves 'em right.

Maintain eternal vigilance. It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.
Matt, you make an interesting point. Watch a movie titled 'Gattaca' (spelling?) ... neat little subplot in there about a government worker who aids the protagonist / hero regarding his anti-government work involving personal liberty. 'Overlooking' some details can indeed be of great assistance from within the system.

I want to add my voice of thanks to our LEO TFL friends. Many of you have come to my aid in the past, as well as having participated in some very interesting debates. I greatly appreciate your help, your honesty, and your service to our society.

Many of us, including me, have also directly benefited from LEO instruction at various firearms training schools. I suspect that if push ever comes to shove, and our government(s) go completely off the deep end on the issue of RKBA, we'll benefit from even more instruction and training by our LEO friends who still believe in the basic American principles of freedom that made our country great.

In the meantime, I'm getting the distinct impression that a very large percentage of LEO's believe that honest civilians should bear arms. I hope that remains true.

Regards from AZ