Thank You, Democrats, for looking out for us ! !

Well, it looks like it's law now.

16 years ago, a democratic controlled congress passed a law that would not come into effect until now. What is that law??

It raises the retirement age of Social Security to age 67. It will effect everyone born since 1936. You will now have to work a bunch of additional years in order to qualify. Odds are you will be dead before you can ever collect.

Why bring this up here? Because the democrats are looking after us. They want what's in our best interest. Is it any wonder they want to ban any kind of gun?

We will get more of this kind of bullsh*t until the democrats are destroyed. Short of that, this country will continue to go to hell.

OHH, I almost forgot, THANK YOU, democrats for looking out for my best interests.


The Gordian Knot is a story about a great king who offered the riches of his kindom and the hand of his daughter to any man smart enough to untie the Gordian Knot. The knot was very large, tight, very complicated and no man had been able to untie it.

One day a great warrior came upon the knot. Hearing about the great riches to anyone who could untie it, he looked at the knot, studied it greatly and after some contemplation, DREW HIS SWORD AND SMASHED THE KNOT!!!

I guess the moral of the story is that, sometimes, force is the only answer.

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited November 30, 1999).]
Well Frank, to be honest, the entire system is screwed up.

Originally, the idea was to aid elderly who could not afford to care for themselves. As I recall, life spans were short enough back then that the social security retirement age did indeed kick in after many had already kicked the bucket. And, the taxes were much lower, the level of compensation taxed was much lower, and many people still understood they had to save for their own retirement.

Now, like health care, most folks think this is indeed the job of the government. This is probably the inevitable result of such handouts. Rather like the 'moral risk' in insurance.

The solution? Lower the damn taxes, pay this out to fewer people, allow people to opt out, or at least allow them to invest some or all more intelligently than in government bonds. In a word, 'privatize' the damn mess.

It will take years of transition, but if society feels we must take care of some people, then let's have one system: welfare. Can't work and don't have enough resources because you're too old, disabled, burdened by dependent / child responsibilities? Then maybe you qualify. But, if you can work, or you have assets / other income, then ... no cigar. You pay your own way.

Liberty and personal responsbility ... what a concept. We're going to get back to it either the hard way or the easy way.
Screwed up (from an actuarial standpoint) it is, as I recently found out.

My last 10 working years were as a high-paid computer programmer. "High" Social Security taxes came with it to the tune of over $3000 a year, of which I complained with each paycheck.

Well, I retired recently, went on SS, and am
getting almost $1300 a month (thank you, current payers). So, in one year I get back over FOUR years of contributions. No wonder the system will go broke.

Understand, I'm not complaining, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where
the problem is. I honest-to-God sympathize with you younger folks still out there in the labor market -- you are going to be HOSED when it's your turn.

On a different, and surprising note, the SS people have their act together and I have been uniformly treated with courtesy at every office I have been to. Wonder what went wrong? (No offense to you SS employees out there.)

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
What really gets me is that social security is short of funds because the democrats have decided to allow all kinds of people to become eligible for the funds even though those people never payed into it. If you have ANY kind of disability you are eligible for funds from social security. Disability funds should be drawn out of another fund.....not social security which is designed for the old age benefits of those who paid into it.

The general thrust has been to expand the eligibility of people who never paid into the fund in the first place and then to reduce the benefits of those who paid into it by increasing the age of when you or I become eligible. What a crock of sh*t!! Does anyone wonder why politicians are considered the sh*t hole of the earth?

Why expand the benefits of those who never paid into the system and then create regulations that increase the retirement age such as that you or I may never collect because we will be dead before becoming eligible? How about expanding the benefits for those who pay into the system? That is you and I. How about reducing the eligibility age so I can retire early?

Asking the politicians to do the right thing is about as futile as asking them stop their gun control efforts.....It ain't gonna happen and is the reason democrats need to be destroyed for the scum that they are if we want to maintain freedom and common sense in this country.

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited December 04, 1999).]
Frank, you make a good point. I don't know if it has been corrected, but I remember a few years ago they were even paying benefits to alcoholics and drug addicts because they were considered 'disabled'.

Consider how absurd the situation is - they people who pay in (essentially, almost every one of us) are told they can expect a return on or of their money. So, it's a retirement system. But, then there are others who pay in very little, and they get a cut too. So, it's a welfare system as well.

I don't think this will go on forever ...
The real pisser is that you and I pay into the social security fund, see our social security taxes increased and then our ability to collect reduced.

Those people who NEVER paid into social Security are getting INCREASED benefits.

Those people who HAVE PAID all their lives into Social Security are getting REDUCED benefits!!

Where the freaking hell does that make sense..........increasing the benefits of those who never paid into the fund and deacreasing the benefits of those who HAVE paid into the fund?

The answer is comes from our liberal, democrat politicians and, frankly, they have their heads up their ass.

This type of bullsh*it situation will continue until democrats are destroyed.

Bottom line is that if you want freedom, social justice, and all that is good, we need to destroy the democrats. Who else is so stupid that they would increase benefits to those who NEVER contributed to social security while you and I are paying through the nose and thus reguired to work extra years just to pay for it. We have had our retirement age increased, yet because of what the democrats did, we are required to work past retirement age even though WE are the ones who paid into the fund!!!!!!!!!

WHERE THE HELL IS THE SENSE IN THAT??? Democrats have got to go the way of the Dodo! And fast!!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited December 04, 1999).]
Democrats have got to go the way of the Dodo!

Frank, if you read your biohistory, you'll find that the dodos were clubbed to death by Dutch settlers on Mauritius.

Sounds like a fair analogy to me. ;)

Er, um, not that I would *ever* advocate violence against thieves and traitors. Nooo, never. That Would Be Wrong.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
When the SS system was instituted there were 20 contributers for every person drawing from the system. Now there are 3.

Strike one: The system was supposed to be for the retirement of those who paid into the system. The Congress, in its infinite wisdom, decided that if the payor died prior to their retirement that their fimily should get the money in "survivors benefits".

Strike two: The system was suppoised to be for those who paid into the system. The Congress, in its infinite wisdom, decided that benefits should also be extencded to those who have never paid into the systam.

Strike Three: The system was supposed to be for the retirement of those who paid into the system. The Congress, in its infinite wisdom, decided that benefits should also be extencded to those who are disabled; constantly adding to the list of what qualifies as a disability until even those disabled by their own irresponsibility and abuse of their own bodies was included.

Yer Out! (of money)
All taxes are theft. If they weren't, gov'ts wouldn't need to threaten taxpayers with armed thugs. Making you work to support me is slavery, not welfare.

Social Security was foisted upon the public by FDR, but was proposed in the platform of the Socialist Party in the 1932 elections.

The Democrat Party platform in '32 was: "We advocate an immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abolishing useless commissions and offices, consolidating departments and bureaus, and eliminating extravagances to accomplish a savings of not less than 25 percent in the cost of the federal government..."

FDR was elected because he promised limited government, and, once elected, he turned on the voters and instituted the platform of the Socialist Party, which started the massive governmental power grab that continues to this day.

Once the people found out that they could profit from other's labor, they virtually made FDR president for life. Which goes to show you that the people do get the government they deserve, good and hard. The Democrats had help.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
There is no SS Fund. It doesn't exist. SS is an employment tax, period. Just like every tax extracted from a man during his lifetime as a worker it is gone, spent, probably wasted. Noone has a SS account that has real dollars in it. No offense, but those who draw from SS are in effect, drawing welfare checks. You can't respend dollars you paid all your life in property taxes to the state, even if they cut you a regular worthless check. SS is a Ponzi scheme the likes of which if you started yourself, you would have the DOJ on your throat faster than Janet Reno dons her daily make-up.
The trouble with Social Security is simple, the Politicians have been stealing from the funds for years. Had the System been separated from general revenues and the money invested the trust fund would have more than enough money.

Private pension systems started after the SS system now pay many times more than SS. We have let the Politicians stick their hands in the till and steal us blind.

I worked for SSA when the new law was passed, it is designed to stretch the bankruptcy of SS for a few more years, all smoke and mirrors, typical Washington BS. By the way you can still collect reduced benefits at age 62, you will just have to wait untill age 67 to get full benefits instead of age 65.

BTW, the law was passed during the Carter Administration, not by Reagan.

Yep, I wish the democrats were extinct, but the Republicans are not that much better.

Geoff Ross

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited December 05, 1999).]