Thaddeus! Read this


Moderator Emeritus
I just got of the phone with CGOA (Calif Gun Owners of America)

The 10 round ammo limit you referred to was a proposal that AttGen Lockyer suggested to ASS Perata...Perata tried to include it in the bill ex Gov Wilson veto'd, but Gov Davis told him no...the reason being that Davis wants the bill Wilson veto'd to remain the same, so he can pass it with less debate.
The bit about the 10 round mags: if we have mags greater than 10 we can keep them, but won't be able to buy more or parts if they fail. Upon selling or transferring a firearm mags greater than 10 must be destroyed or permanently altered to only contain 10 or less rounds.

The real bad news is a new bill AB 863 authored by ASS Honda-San Jose which will require licensing of ALL handguns upon purchase and retroactive licensing of those you already have. That also means a separate license for each lots of fees.
That bill has already been referred to Com Public Safety...guess who the Chairman is? Honda....this is real real bad

Found out something interesting on Gov. Davis...his Bronze Star in Vietnam wasn't a personal was a unit citation for his rear support group. His earlier rep for being pro-gun was because of his association with Gov. Jerry Brown. Jerry's dad, ex. Gov Edmund Brown told Jerry to never deal with gun legislation cuz the pro-gunners would "eat you alive" during Jerry's tenure no gun control was passed so both of them looked pro-gun. The political climate has changed and now its all out.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited April 28, 1999).]
AB 863 AUTHOR: Honda
TITLE: Firearms
LOCATION: Assembly Public Safety Committee

Requires, on or before 7/1/2000, the Department of Justice to
develop and make available a firearm owner's license application
form. Requires any person applying for a firearm owner's
license to provide specified information. Requires the chief of
law enforcement officer of the jurisdiction to transmit the
application to Department of Justice.

02/24/1999 INTRODUCED.
03/11/1999 To ASSEMBLY Committee on PUBLIC SAFETY.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited April 28, 1999).]