TFLers: "I am thankful for..."

Long Path

New member
Keep it short, say, under 100 words. Just an opportunity, no matter how gushy or sacharine, or even bitter, to learn more about our members.

I am thankful for:
my wife and 16-month-old daughter, my parents' health, my extended family of friends, enough really good food to eat, air-conditioning (yes, even now), my degree's ever-approaching imminence, the opportunity to meet you all, and the fact that I am not personally afraid of my fellow man.
I am thankful my family is all in good health - in body mind and spirit...
For relative prosperity.
For a good wife who understands me.
and for the new super big gulp refillable mugs!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
I'm thankful...

...for my family
...for the NRA
...for the GOA
...for the TSRA
...that I'm a Native Texan
...that I don't know any hard-core liberals
...that I don't have mouth cancer...yet
...that I'm on vacation this week :)
I'm thankful that 223 years ago, we had men of character who told King George III to sod off.

I'm hopeful that it won't be *another* 223 years until we reclaim the liberty those men of character won for us.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I am thankful that God has blessed me far beyond what I deserve.
I am thankful that I and my family are alive and well. I am thankful that we are Americans. Even though it is not perfect, the USA is still the best. I am thankful for friends.

Better days to be,

I think I need to learn a lesson from this post. I get down on certain negative things in my life, but I don't count my blessings like I should every day.

I am thankful for a wonderful family.

I am thankful for being blessed with excellent physical health.

That's more than enough.
I'm thankfull for
My family
My friends
My cyber friends
And last but not least Jeri Ryan (aka 7 of 9 )

I'm thankful for:

* a Creator who chose to give me a talent others value, to make a living, to appreciate the beautiful, the sad, the uplifting things in life

* a wife, second time around, who sees my weaknesses -- and still loves me, who keeps me on the straight and narrow, who worries about me, who is on my side

* two daughters, sound of limb and mind, and comely, who make me proud with their upright views on morality and right and wrong

* the years when I was able to enjoy shooting and gun ownership with pride

* being able to send my kids to bed each night, happy and with full bellies

* having met my friends on TFL

* real-life friendships that have lasted more than a quarter of a century

* being able to give my best mate a hug when he was down without feeling embarrassed or ashamed

* being able to cry in the movies when I am moved, or when some songs stir a long-forgotten chord in my memory

* most of all, the memories: my kids kissing me goodnight, saying "I love you, Daddy", a little hand worming its way into mine, a warm body asleep on my lap, totally trusting, seeing the love in my wife's eyes, the day I bought my first-ever gun, shooting with my hero, Dad, as a little kid, my wedding day, the night Di told me she was pregnant with Jessica, the day my best friend died in an aeroplane crash and his full military funeral with firing party, band and missing man formation flyover (yes, even that memory I cherish)

More than 100 words -- enough. (Clears throat gruffly and wipes sleeve over eyes)

I am thankful for my good life, with friends and familiy who help me fend for myself -- and for arms to defend my life and lives of my friends and family.
Last night at the OKC Blazers hockey game (we beat Witchita 4-3), I had a huge fried onion cheeeseburger......So I am very thankful for over-the-counter Tagamet! We can eat things these days we couldn't have dreamed of when Rolaids and Tums were the only things around for this. Silly but true.

Oh yeah, and my furry faced loved ones. Speaking of chowing down on turkey day - get this - this is funny but don't read if you're queasy. I had T-day dinner yesterday at my brother's house, and took the dogs with me. Well, I kept seeing one of them munching on something in his backyard. At first I though maybe she was cracking open pecans in the yard and eating them, but when I smelled her breath, I knew - yes, that old standby favorite dog treat - cat excrement! My brother confirmed he'd dumped the catbox in the yard in that same spot the day before. Mmmmmmmm, little tootsie roll treats! :)

One more thing: I am thankful that some of my socks which go to sock heaven somehow manage to magically re-appear here on earth in the next wash...very bizzare.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 26, 1999).]
I am thankful for... many things, come to think of it, but to name those that top the list:

A God that has made Himself known to me, and daily teaches, counsels, corrects, and upholds me.

A sound body and mind.

A country which, despite the attempts of others to make it otherwise, is still a mighty fine place to live, and is still second to none.

Relevant to this community, all the knowledgeable folk here who wholeheartedly promote responsible gun ownership, and the protection of that right.


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Sorry I just realized how I disturbed the solemness of this thread with my silliness.

I am also thankful for my TFL friends, my family, my health, the intelligence given to me by the creator (some would argue contra), and being born in America, where a good economy and free markets prevail.