TFL Western States Roundup - The Awards!

Patrick Seeber

New member

Well, the TFL Western States roundup 1999 has ended. It was a gas for all involved! I know you can't wait, so I will get right to the Awards portion of this post... Due to lack of $$$, we didn't hand out trophies this year, Just a hearty Hand Shake and a Clap on the Back.

Pthfndr was by far the leader and easiest to find... (see Pthfndr, that shirt was a good investment) Knocking down the BIG awards. He took first place in M4 AR Carbine class with his super light weight and sporty M4 topped with the Aimpoint sighting system. He further wowed the crowd with a classic rendition of a FAL-SA58 16" Carbine winning the .308 Rifle Class - He got extra points by being the first to "Flame the Laser" printer. Those big bullets really spark when they hit the metal frame.

Patrick Seeber nailed down the Match AR competition with his tricked out Frankengun - 24"SS Free Float Flat Top Upper on a NM Bushmaster lower, topped with the Tasco 10-5-x56mm Scope, supported by Harris BiPod. With only one sunshade on, this beast looks BAD (needs to go on a diet, and I am sure Pthfndr will agree)

We started late, cause some knuckle head forgot to haul the laser printer, computer and monitor home with him Friday. (long story, don't ask (grin)) This was one Y2K project that would be completed quickly and efficiently...

We warmed up first with some 1 gal cans filled with water that Pthfndr provided. It's amazing how that little M4 would bounce the full cans so high in the air. Leaves a pretty good hole too! I got out my little Colt CAR and drilled a little bit myself in between photos. Then it was time for the main event.

Placed the CPU at 50 yrds, the laser printer at 25 yrds with the 14" monitor on top of it. Moments after the range ready was called, my 9 year old daughter placed a .22 right smack in the center of the monitor. As fast as she could cycle the bolt and load another one... a hole appeared in the CPU at 50 yrds! (me, a proud dad? Nawwww...) Well, that's all that Pthfndr and I could take - We blazed away and shortly there was nothing left of the monitor but a shell. Then I concentrated on the laser with the second mag - Soon, small curls of toner began to swirl from the cracks in the covers of the now crippled printer. Not good enough... Out comes Pthfndr's FAL-SA58! This baby can do some *DAMAGE*! That's when we got the first toner ignition. Nice little ball of flame with a fair sized puff of smoke! Couple more rounds, couple more fireballs, that laser was DONE! A few minutes concentration on the CPU at 50 yards, and it was Y2K compliant for sure! I have used lots of .223 on CPU's in the past, but looks like .308 is the way to go. That CPU *ROCKED* when touched by the FAL-SA58!

That's just a sample. I got picks on Saturday and Sunday. The fellows that showed on Saturday had a digital camera. I know that they lurk here... Perhaps you guys will join the forum and link us up with some of your pics? I will be getting film developed and posting photos hopefully before the end of the week.

I will take a breather now and let Pthfndr clean up all the stuff I messed up on (shoulda wrote down the Aimpoint model number! Too excited I guess) We did take some time to talk about you all and see if we couldn't get together again soon. We were thinking some time in September twords the end of the month... Think about it...

All for now... Photos as soon as I can.
I must say it was fun. Coming from P.C. CA, it was my first real chance to smoke through a whole 30 round clip with out a range master yelling :) I thought my Colt Competition H-Bar shot good, but Patricks NM gun is a real tack driver. But compared to my M4 it is very heavy. Different guns, different purposes. It was fun watching his daughter shoot. Did everything right. No menace to society there that's for sure. Knows how to handle a gun. Very nifty watching the printer go up in smoke and flames. I did forget to apologize to the shooters to my left when firing off a couple 30 round mags from my Mini 30. It really throws the shells and I forgot to put on the brass catcher, thus showering them with 7.62x39 casings. Looking forward to getting together again, hopefully with a larger turn out next time. BTW, the Aimpoint is a Comp ML with 3moa dot.

If any one is interested in the range itself I made a post in the Range Report forum.
Kicking myself....

"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history."

-- George Bernard Shaw

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac