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TFL Speed


New member
Is it just a problem with my ISP, or has TFL become painfully slow during the last couple days? I'm still cruising through AR15.COM at normal speed so I frigure that TFL or some link on the way to it has become really overloaded. Anyone else having this problem?

I have the same problem. Can't get into TFL unless it's early morning or late at night. Thanks AOL.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I seem to have the same problem. I'm usually on around 8:00 Central time. It's been running slow in the morning also.
Yes, I have noticed a big difference over the last week or so. In fact, I would say it is excruciatingly slow.

I just did some timing tests (around 8:00 PM EDT):
Open forums list - 1m 58s
Open Gen discussion list - 6m 39s
Open Suggestions forum - 1m 18s

I am using "Show topics from last day" which should be the fastest loading. The 3 tasks above used to take only a few seconds. I can often take a nap while a long topic is being loaded. I do not see any difference in any other areas I commonly visit.
Yep same here to.

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry


ICQ no. 46780559
Guys, the server is moving just fine. I check it's status every day, and it's flying right along. If there is a problem with speed, it is either on your end, or is somewhere between you and the server.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
Well, I'm back in Florida on my cable modem. The pages are loading instantaneously, so the Server must be spitting them out as quick as the cable can transmit.

Generally, when it appears slow, I'll open another Browser and check other sites. Inevitably they, too, are slow. This points to a problem with my ISP or general Internet sluggishness....not a particular site server. Try it sometime.
I experienced some of the same problems, however, I purged my PC and got rid of a lot of stuff that was jamming the PC, Works fine now.


Even with a fast connection - clear the cache and history files one in awhile... This is for your browsers processing.

I have had no speed problems. :D T3 Baby!

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
"I'm on my cable modem!" (smirk)
"T3-baby!" (grin)

(grumble, grouse)
And here I sit "flying along" at 24K.
(grumble, grouse)
How in the devil would I be able to tell if things slow down? (grumble, grouse)

Oh, well. While I'm waiting for the forums to load I can look out the window at the three 6-point bucks, two 8-point bucks, all in velvet, all in my back yard here about 20 feet from the house.

Hmm. That one buck back there in the brush is bigger than these young ones....

(Sigh) At least I have something to do.... ;) (heh, heh, heh.)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 25, 1999).]
I'm sitting here on my V90 at home and things apear as normal to me!
Hank using Bellsouth down in dah south
Dont feel bad Dennis - The T3 is my WORK line. I dont even have a connection from home! When I leave my current job - I will get a DSL or ISDN connection at home... But for now, I get all of the WEB I want... Oh, I still have a little HP palm top unit that I can use from home - but it is too SLOW to even deal with. Wife uses it for all our finances and stuff...

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
its been fine the last few days, but thursday, friday, and saturday it was so slow I thought it was about to die on us.
I can't believe no one else is experiencing problems with slow load times. It took a full 20 minutes to load this very topic. I see on bladeforums that folks were having problems loading yesterday (8/27). I'm not sure if the problems are related but it took about 4 min. to load the initial screen on BF. The problem is worse during prime-time and pretty much gone after around 2:00 AM EDT.

This and bladeforums are the only sites I experience this on. I have purged history files, etc. When I am having the problem, I can get to any other site I choose within seconds from a new window. And I don't mean major sites like eBay or amazon, but small ones like the 10/22 forum, Jack Weigand's site, or Benchrest Central.

I know the problem is most likely within the pipe getting to/from the server and not the server itself. This is obvious due to the fact that it only occurs during prime-time. My question is - do the powers that be have any diagnostic tools on the server that can detect when a specific request is received and the pertinent pages/packets sent out? If so, maybe we could synchronize a time to see if the problem is occurring after the packets are sent or if the request and ack/nack are slow getting to the server. If not, I will be content to just live with it and log on to this site only during the oui hours of the morning.

Please, no insults about how to fix my system. If the problem was on my end, then all sites should be slow. I have been in this business ever since Al Gore invented the Autovon system (have installed a few of those sites) and have a few hours under my belt diagnosing general network problems. However, I'm not up to snuff on diagnosing internet packet switching and TCP/IP problems.
i am on with aol as an ISP on a mac G3 laptop
with a 28.8 modem
speed seems ok

t1 at work is better but this is tolerable

Mal H,
No insults, buddy. I've been on TFL off and on all day since Thursday. (My wife's out of town - I can play BIG time!)

I'm in the woods just north of San Antonio, TX and everything has been working fine.

We even coaxed the local server up to 26.4MB!

I have NO idea what's hurting you but it's between you and TFL somewhere. Honest!