TFL shirt update: should start shipping them Thursday.


New member
Talked to the shirt guy today, I should be able to pick them up Thursday. I will get them mailed out as fast as I can.

I still haven't received payment from a few people, so contact me if there is a problem.

I'm waitin' for my hat, and my head is gettin' cold... Did they ship yet?

If the quality of the first batch of shirts is any indication, it'll be well worth the wait.

Thanks Larry! :)
Slight miscalculation, didn't get them today. Hopefully can pick them up tomorrow. My mistake. Sorry for posting the wrong day.
If I can live 2 weeks without a computer at home, I can wait an extra day or two for my T-shirt.
Thanks again, Corriea.
Excellent! Thanks again.


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.
I'm sorry this is taking so long this time guys. The hold up is the hats. The shirts are finished, and hopefully the hats will be done tomorrow (friday).

I apologize for telling you folks that I would have them last week, that was wishfull thinking on my part. :(
Don't fret the delay. I am anxious but not impatient. Just looking foreward to my new look!
Thanks again, Correia!

"Any world that I'm welcome to.....Is better than the one I come from"