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TFL Server Problem


New member
Just wondering if it is my computer or not.
Anybody else that could not open up the Forum for the last 2 days?
Kept getting notice that TFL had a server problem, if so thought maybe
TFL would post a notice to that effect.
server down

it was down all holiday, and last night.
I missed it so much, I had to go over to glock talk!:D

They never post any info about this, so seems like nothing new.
Internal sever error.
server down?

next time could we get a heads up :):) if it wasn't so cold and wet i'd have gone shooting:)...man never know how much you miss it till it is gone:D welcome back yeaaa
I was experiencing connections problems for the last two days,too.
This was the second time for me fro experiencing such kind of problems.
Glad to see I is resolved.
tfl down

I was starting to get the shakes from withdrawls. Wow, that was close!!! Haven't felt that way since I left the Marines. I just snuggled in with one of my favorite rifles until it came back up. All kidding aside, it did make for a longer weekend. I hadn't realized how often I check TFL out. Good shooting all.
Anytime you see the message

500 Internal Server Error

That typically indicates there is a problem with the database serving TFL. All the messages are stored in a database and the software that presents the data found some kind of "fatal" problem that prevents it from working correctly. Rather than provide bad results, it displays the error message.

Depending on what DB product is being used, the administrator will perform some maintenance procedures to correct the situation. In the worst case, the staff has to reload the database from a backup copy. This can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 24 hours, depending on the size of the database.
Bill has pretty much nailed it.

Nothing really to do with the server. SWATMag was functioning fine as were some other areas that are all on the same server.
Yeah, i thought my computer was screwed for the last 2 days. Them i see tfl came back. the bad news is, my computer got a bug, and took a dump(literally). Now i have to do all of this on my phone.:mad
Actually, it's not the db. The php processes have been dying, leaving the poor web server with nothing to talk to.

The reason swat was not affected is that it runs from a different webserver and a different database process.
I have to get off my duff and (finally) learn php....

In the early 90s I taught myself Basic, Pasqal, Fortran and C. Wrote some stuff including databases, then got sidetracked into SysAdmin stuff and CAD/CAM. Couple years ago and with my son's help (he's a php wizzo) I tried writing a DB backed web application in php. It was successful and fun, but I realize I'd have to devote a lot of time to learn it well enough to make it worthwhile.

So have fun Al.:)
More trouble this morning it seems. I'm going to the colo tomorrow to look at it, but at least rebooting seems to solve the problem temporarily. Hopefully it won't crash again between now and then.