TFL Member On The Air Now

Good stuff. Labgrade, you made some excellent points.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
RE Executive orders

When an executive order is written, it must be published int the Federal Register and then Congress has 30 days in which to stop it. Problem is the FR is published frequently (at least once per month) and contains zillions of documents...its bigger than the Fed Budget documents (around 30 phonebook sized). Almost impossible to keep track of

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Excellent reference page!

Didn't know the FR was available online, now I'm doomed :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Coin, thanks & we do try. 12/15's was about responsibility more than anything & I tried to keep it pretty much low-key. Nobody needs to go off half-cocked when dealing with lethal force.

Big difference preaching "tolerance" re CCW & all the other aspects of The 2nd.

12/16's show at 3PM MST will deal moreso with political dimensions & is almost sure to go ballistic. I plan to do the "OK, where's the line, has it been crossed & whadaya do then?" Although the topic will be "Politics & legal" & will be driven by The Professor/Dr. Norm so we will see ....
But, sound in anyway familiar? ;-)

Hopefully Zig will be on. I like his style!
A bit moreso agressive than I usually would be on-air (we do have a resident Fed, I daresay, as does TFL, I might add & we must be careful) and an excellent counterpoint to my "appologetic, mellow-guy manner ;-)

Need some feedback from the rest of you after 12/16's show. How did you get to hear the show (SW, local, PC AudioStream, etc.?)

Give us the dump. How'd you listen & what do you think. The TFL & AFN are here for you (which is all of us), to turn the tide through information.

Critiques. I want 'em, you need 'em.

On the net, on the air, on the way.

Through information & a possitive application of the truth & consolidation of our beliefs, we can turn the tide.

we gladly feast on those who would subdue us