TFL is a regular encyclopedia


New member
Am I the only one who finds yourself digging up old threads to dirrect people that have questions on the other lists I belong to. TFL is growing to be a very emense block of knowledge.

no, you are not. I have a feeling that we are used as a reference a lot more than people realize. It is very easy to come over hee, use the search, learn somthing and never have to become a member. In fact, I have seen that very thing suggested on other, more annonymous boards. The conversation goes like this:

Can anyone tell me XYZ ??

--Oh yeah, you can learn all about that at TFL http..

Oh, I dont't want to give them my secret info..

--you don't have to, if all you want to do is read, the question youhave was answered at http:yaddda.tfl.yadda/isdhfjshfjshfsh/dhh#2
YESSSS!!!!!!! I'm finally a Senior Member!!! You guys at TFL are going to have to figure out what the next designation is going to be. I think it would be pretty cool if you could make up an endless list of seniority adjectives that way we don't all reach the same rank.
"Holy Cow" I thought a Senior Member was an older feller, kind a like a Senior Citizen. I didn't realize there was rank among us, just some folks that enjoyed talkin guns or passin on old stuff to the younger folks. Guess even us senior citizens have to live and learn too.

I have a suggestion for "ranks"
"junior" till 15 posts
"member" till 30 posts
"senior member" till 50 posts
"crusty senior member" till 75 posts
"currmudgeon" till 100 posts
"old fart" to 150 posts
"ancient fart" 150+ posts

Shoot straight regards, Richard
BAB...Your absolutly correct. It is not the length of time since you registered, it is the amount of posts that you post. Age doesn't matter, also.
Age does matter. You can get senior citizens' discounts (even if you're not a citizen).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I would like some more creative titles here too - ancient may not be the best title... how about Council Member or Senator...

Imperial Member...


Font of Knowledge...

I would like to point out one of the best values that I get out of TFL and that is being current on everything to do with guns. Especially new laws and court cases.

Plus there is a great group of people who live here, who's company I enjoy... :)

Thanks for the site!
