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TFL Instructor's Forum?


New member
Rich and Crew,

The idea of a TFL Instructor's Forum/Training Forum has been brought up and I wanted to get a thread started to see how much interest there was. Also, if you thought it was feasable or not.

Anyone have any suggestions or comments?

- Gabe
I'm not against it. But I'm not willing to do it unless it's well thought out. When Jim last brought it up, I asked some operational questions....the concept died without answer. If suitable answers can be provided now, we'll do it.

Here were my thoughts at the time:
What defines an "Instructor"? NRA Certificate? "Accredidation" at one of a list of shooting schools?

What's the purpose of the Forum, that wouldn't be served by one of the other Forums already here? To provide a place where student and pro can come together? To provide a private place where "Instructors" can communicate.

I know I usually shoot these ideas down. Believe me, it's not because I feel we've covered all the bases....we're still learning. However, where the author stops at the "idea" stage, Staff has to move the idea thru the "operational" phase. So, operationalize the idea:
- What's the objective?
- What are the rules?
- What time and Staff resources would be required?

Since I moderate similar forums to the one suggested over at the 1911forum and Pistolsmith, I'll offer a few thoughts. Requiring credentials is probably a waste because who is going to verify them to begin with. Also, I know several top notch operations like the Insights Training crew who are not NRA certified but are nonetheless superbly qualified to offer advice. I would think the purpose of this forum would be to have a centralized place that forum members could go to get answers regarding training techniques. Rules should be that the questions are directly related to improving skills or training methods but you would need a few qualified moderators to ensure that any advice offered was valid. Weeding out the "doofus factor" has been my biggest challenge on the other forums. Let me know if I can be of any further help.
Just brainstorming out loud:
What defines an "Instructor"? NRA Certificate? "Accredidation" at one of a list of shooting schools?
Looks like there are a couple ways to do this:

1) an “Instructor’s Only” forum, functioning much like a ‘LEO Only’ forum on other boards,
2) a “Teacher & Student” forum for all posts that include a student/instructor relationship. Everything from Hunter Ed to GunSite.

Like Blunder says, #1 seems unworkable. It would require verification of credentials, a list of what credentials were ‘acceptable’ and a system in place (labor) to handle to process. I’m also not big on the ‘behind closed doors’ concept.

So, #2: a forum for class/instructor/student-related discussion as well as a place for instructors to hangout with other instructors.
What's the purpose of the Forum, that wouldn't be served by one of the other Forums already here?
Benefits over using exisiting forums:
- topical density/stimulation of discussion.
- ease of information retreival: building a database of tips and techniques
- topic longevity: if we leave these discussions in General or any of the other more specific forums, participants/professionals who don’t get over here all too often will never see a question or topic that they could have participated in because the forum fills with non-class related topics and the topic scrolls off into the ether.
- a question posed has the highest likelyhood of being read by a high number of people who can actually help.
- new TFL'ers who are students or instructors have one place to go for what, hopefully, will be a gold-mine of current and archived teaching-related advice and tips.

Some ideas of things to discuss that would fit the mold:
- training tips/techniques from salty instructors to new instructors
- fresh ideas from new instructors to salty instructors, to be immediately discarded. ;) ie. "Why we don't teach like that."
- students getting questions answered about training: everything from what to bring to class to how much should I be paying, etc.
- class reports/experiences
- announcements of upcoming classes
- students complain/instructors explain
- drills: both for in-class and skill retension after class
- techniques for solving common student problems
- how to deal with younger students
- students looking for advice on which school to attend
- instructors can share experiences, problem-solving tips and logistical soultions with other instructors
- how to be a better student and instructor, how to run a smoother more valuable and enjoyable class, how to avoid common new-instructor mistakes, etc. etc. etc.

The recent SWAT article (Pat Rogers, I believe) on student/class issues was great. This could be a living extension of that.
- What are the rules?
Keep it on topic (of course):

A Student/Teacher/Class relationship must be present for the topic to meet the forum requirements. Everything related to the class environment. No home training for IPSC or anything like that.
- What time and Staff resources would be required?
I have no idea. Two moderators to start with? Experienced, level-headed instructors.

One thing I like about TFL is that there are not a half-million forums. Keeping the structure tight like this helps to keep people in touch with each other more constantly, and I think that helps foster a sense of community (...that didn't sound like Hiillary, did it? Damn that woman). So, is there enough of a need/demand that the forum will get used?

- Gabe