TFL Flag at Half Mast for Harley Nolden

The title of the thread says it all. Unbeknown to us, Harley passed on months October of 2011.

Mr. Nolden was with the TFL Staff almost from the beginning. My recollection, possibly incorrect, is that he was a former FBI employee. Regardless, he was a spectacular historian and teacher; one of the few that actually requested to be on the TFL Staff vs being Shanghai'd back in the days of Rob, LawDog, DC, Mykl and a few others here.

Always aloof, yet congenial; never political; quintessentially inquisitive and helpful....this was the Harley that I barely knew after a dozen years. Harley's death passed by with barely a notice, I guess. Perhaps this is Divine Balance, as his life counted for so very much. We are greatly saddened and significantly diminished.

Regretfully submitted-
Rich Lucibella
And thanks for the link to the obituary.

Here's a link from late 2002; just before the site closed. He tells a little about himself.

"Oh my goodness:

From the sounds of it someone wants a bio: Here it is:

The comments from Mike are somewhat true. I was born in the Heartland, (MN) and I did spend, on special assignment, 5 yrs at the Nevada Test Site back in the 60's but the part about the ledgend is purley fiction.

I spent 22.5 years in the Army, mostly as a competive pistol shooter, Army Team Pistol Coach (three Gun) and Olympic Pistol coach, (one ladies world champion, 1 silver medalist Olympics) Gun Plumber, Custom stock maker and gunsmith.

I even qualified for the 1972 Olympics in standard pistol and Free Pistol. For Germany that is. However, my aliegence to the United States, and being in the military prevented me from participating for them.

I spent another 20 years as a Fed. Firearms Specialist for Civil Service, U.S., Treas. I am now retired, fish alot, east coast Georgia, play hearts and maintain a library of collected firearms information collected thru the years.

this libary has hundred's of books, on military firearms, civilain guns too, and I have transplanted them all to CD Rom. This information is provided free of charge for enyone who asks. Kind of like returning what was provided to me over my 44.5 years in the U.S. Gov.

OK! That's me. Anybody obeject? LOL (Laugh Out Loud)

As to where I'm going to hang, If y'all will have me I would like to stay in Research. Up to da boss.

wow....I hadn't realized he had passed either.

And what's sad, is my girlfriend's parents live right up the road from him.

I never got the chance to meet him, but my girlfriend's father, who knows him from the American Legion post in Brunswick had nothing but nice things to say about him.

He will be sorely missed.