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TFL Feedback Forum?


hey folks,
I brought this up on someone elses thread and it got some interest.
(I apologized for the hijack)

Like alot of you, I buy sell and trade here. Ive been lucky so far, only one deal went bad and it didnt involve alot of money. but there really isnt any way of knowing, right?

so how bout a feedback forum (like ebay or gunbroker) where you could rate a transaction, good or bad etc.?

just need to reply "yes" or "no" if you like the idea.
if you want to discuss your answer please do so.

You mean something a little like this feedback forum

No. more like gunbroker's where the feedback accumulates for each user so you can see multiple transaction ratings at once.
the current feedback forum is not user friendly. you have to search through it to see if more than one feedback exists for a member.

thanks for the "feedback":)
What you're suggesting is not a feedback forum, it's a feedback system, and no, we have no plans to install one. Sorry to have to saddle members with having to search for another member's name in the feedback forum, but that's the only solution at the present.
is not a feedback forum, it's a feedback system

Sorry about that, sometimes i dont talk so good!

and no we have no plans to install one

didnt think you did, but what if an overwhelming majority of your members wanted one?

humor me, i know it wont happen.....
Another forum that I belong to, whose "central" theme is "rimfire", changed their classifieds to include a feedback system. They've had numerous complaints from members who want the old forum system back. I too, prefer the present system here.
please keep this system and change nothing...
i have seen some other versions of "vBulletin®" with all the pics and what not on the side and i think it is all just messy...

Well Im glad to get some responses, positive or negative.

dont know what happened to the folks that wanted a feedback system......

BTW just completed a transaction with JamieC. Flawless. you wont have any worries dealing with him.
One thing users can do is to search for and respond to an existing feedback thread if one exists for the member/organization in question. That allows a quicker evaluation of a person's past transaction history. Currently people just do what's fastest and create a new thread.

Either way, it's not a huge issue, a quick search on the user's/business' name in the RD&FB subforum will get you the information you want.