Texas School Shooting

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According to police the suspect used a shotgun and a .38 revolver. These will now be "assaultized" by the gun grabbers.
Unlike the media, I learned to “wait for the translation” on sensational stories, as most of the media reports in the first few hours / days are filled with inaccuracies, ridiculous speculation and politically motivated statements.
The OP's weapon account was stated by the Governor of Texas, who also put the casualties at 10 dead and 10 wounded at this time.
Very sad and tragic. And the liberals will jump on more gun grabbing like stink on poo, rather than dealing with the real issues. Such as lack of respect for life, which stems from completely turning away from God.
The original media account stated that an AR type weapon was used. A few hours later, Governor Abbott set the record straight.
Read about the AR thing on a good number of news sources. I mean like every one of 'em said that it was an AR. I guess there's some truth to the fake news thing.

One of the things that disgusts me about about the media ,politicians,and antigunners

Is how quickly they politicize these horrible events.

I don't disagree with most of what has been said,but could we find the dignity and respect for those impacted to think about the kids and families for at least 24 hours before we join the media,politicians,and anti gunners?

I've worked in schools.I have Grandkids,a niece,and a Nephew.

We are all in this together.

At least for today,my thoughts and prayers are with those who suffered.

The rest,we really should talk about... But Later.
The lunatics go for the low - hanging fruit. There isn't a deterrent.

How do we protect our court houses, airlines, banks, money in armored cars?

What about non-lethal force, such as capsaicin, taser, non-lethal rounds?

Why can't we apply intelligence to this?
I don't disagree with most of what has been said,but could we find the dignity and respect for those impacted to think about the kids and families for at least 24 hours before we join the media,politicians,and anti gunners?

No one will wait - "If it bleeds, it leads" has been the news mantra since the Civil War; and in today's world with insatiable desire for instant everything..........
rickyrick said:
Because they don’t care about school safety. They care about getting guns away from the honest

Just as I was leaving work, one of my coworkers mentioned that the police had found multiple IEDs ("bombs") around the school. This just demonstrates -- to those willing to see -- that the problem isn't "gun" violence, the problem is people who want to kill other people. Take away all the guns, and they'll still be able to attach with bombs.

People forget that the primary weapon at Columbine was bombs. The plan was to exceed the body count from the Murrah Building in Oklahoma. The bombs didn't go off, so the two losers resorted to the guns as Plan B.

People also forget that the worse school massacre in United States histiry did NOT involve guns. The weapon of choice was dynamite (i.e. bombs). Something like 50 people were killed, and the number would have been twice that except that the charges under one wing of the school failed to detonate.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but we need to get these facts out there. Guns are NOT the problem. People are the problem.
Interesting how many times such IEDs are found at these events and they are notoriously underutlized, either because they don't work or never get activated.

At this point, I would like to point out that Santa Fe High School was prepared for this event. According to the letter sent our by Sante Fe ISD after the school shooting in Florida this year...

https://www.sfisd.org/cms/lib/TX02215329/Centricity/Domain/8/School Safety in SFISD.pdf

Safety and security are a priority
Teachers have training
They have emergency equipment
They have emergency drills and repeat the throughout the year
They have security audits
Local law enforcement has extensive training
There are security checkpoints
There are security cameras.

What a bunch of hooey.

No mention of there being actual armed security on any Sante Fe ISD campus. Instead, they apparently were going to rely on unrealistically fast response times of local LEOs to handle a crisis.
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One of the people wounded was a retired Houston detective working as a school resources officer.

Retired Houston Police officer John Barnes was one of the people shot at Santa Fe High School, a hospital official said. Houston's police chief tweeted that he visited the hospital where Barnes was being treated and that Barnes was "hanging in there." The officer was working as a Santa Fe officer, a police union official tweeted.

Well thallub, that is interesting. Apparently, he didn't stop the shooter. Apparently there were 2 there at the time and both engaged the shooter "early on."
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My prayers to the victims families and friends. I am sure as hell sick of people not being able to control their evil.
Double Naught Spy said:
Teachers have training
They were so well trained that, instead of locking down in the classrooms, one of the teachers pulled the fire alarm, sending students out into the corridors to become better targets.

We don't need gun control, we need stupid control. *(Saw that posted in regard to the Parkland shooting.)
sparkyv said:
Very sad and tragic. And the liberals will jump on more gun grabbing like stink on poo, rather than dealing with the real issues. Such as lack of respect for life, which stems from completely turning away from God.
What do you suggest? Adding to Obamacare with Catholi-care? -- A mandatory observance of Christian beliefs put forth by the government, with a non-participation penalty to be collected by the IRS.


God is not the answer.

Responsibility for one's own self and family is the path you should be looking down.

Religion doesn't belong here.
They were so well trained that, instead of locking down in the classrooms, one of the teachers pulled the fire alarm, sending students out into the corridors to become better targets.

Do you have any official links or quotes to that effect . Early reports were that the gunman pulled the fire alarm . It's my understanding the school just weeks earlier had an active shooter type of safety drill and they were to shelter in place in that instance .

If true that a teacher pulled the fire alarm , then wow someone didn't get the memo on the protocols on what to do in an active shooter situation .

Now this is a guess but based on the scraps of info I've heard . This event took place farely localized in the school . It's my understanding he walked into a classroom ( art class ) and started shooting rather then , lets say pull the alarm and have everyone come to him type of thing .
Metal God said:
Do you have any official links or quotes to that effect . Early reports were that the gunman pulled the fire alarm . It's my understanding the school just weeks earlier had an active shooter type of safety drill and they were to shelter in place in that instance .


“We shut the door in our classroom, turned off all the lights, did everything we could to get the students safe,” continued Rabon. “Then, the teacher actually ran and pulled the fire alarm, because we had no service to call 911 to let anyone know that there was a shooter.”

Tyler Turner knows the person who pulled the fire alarm. “He saw a guy walking with a gun, so he pulled the fire alarm,” the student said.
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