Texas House Rep. says some of our calls are doing more harm than good!


New member

Chris W. Stark - Director
915 Yacht Ct., P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. (281) 787-4111 Fax (281) 328-7505
email: Director@GOA-Texas.org


I received this e-mail from Rep. Suzanna Hupp (and also spoke to
her on the phone) today. As you can see, she references certain
calls being made to the Public Safety committee members that are
having a very negative impact. The calls are still coming, in
reference to HB 1199, the anti-gunshow bill, and apparently they
are becoming quite nasty.

Gun Owners Alliance stopped lobbying this bill on 4-13-99, when
I personally witnessed the death of this bill in Public Safety.
Refer to http://www.goa-texas.org/pub-saf-2.htm for my proclam-
ation of this bill being defeated. Other Texas and national
groups have continued to lobby this bill, but not us. Thus, we
have focused our attention on HB 2323, HB 1165 & HB 1240 as
found in our alert at: http://www.goa-texas.org/pub-saf-3.htm

When we send letters/faxes/e-mails, or call the various elected
representatives, yes, we need to be firm and state our feelings
affirmatively, and with conviction. However, threats of bodily
harm, threats with foul language, and the such, cannot become
our standard calling card. We can tell these representatives
exactly what we want without compromising our rights away, in
a manner that is non-threatening. There may be times that we
remind a Legislator that we will vote for or against them in
an election, depending on how they vote, but we do not have to
cuss at them, and threaten them with physical harm. Gun Owners
Alliance denounces such practices, and will not tolerate such
on our list of contacts. If you are doing such, do not use our
name as who you are members/coalition partners of. Either
clean up your act, or unsubscribe from this list.

Here is Rep. Hupp's letter written 4-19-1999:

Chris, Although contacting the reps is very
important, please remind your "listeners" that
they are, first and foremost, human and
appreciate being treated with respect. Like
it or not, there are reps that are borderline
on many of our second amen. issues. The nasty
way in which many of these reps are being
approached (even threatened) is having a very
negative affect on the good gun bills. One member
(I shant name him for fear it will only worsen
the emails) just came by my desk and said that
he was originally against Danburg's bill, but
the deluge of hate mail from gunnies has changed
his vote. Please remind your folks to assume
that a rep is pro 2nd ame. until he tells you
or proves otherwise. I believe the letter
writing is very important, but the nastiness
will work against us, not only now, but with
future sessions as well (groups get reputations
and reps and staff will quit working with them).

Thank you all for your consideration.


Everyone is welcome to come over to my Second Amendment homepage
and message board. Have some fun while learning how to effectively
battle the foes of the Second Amendment. Feel free to speak you mind
on a variety of subjects ranging from firearms, politics, the great
outdoors, to self sufficiency measures.


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Amendment Homepage
Amen! If what some folks write here and really get carried away is any indication, they surely can do lots of harm.

Please, write a calm letter stating your opposition. Don't call unless you can hold your temper. And know the status of the bill when you do call; if the bill is already dead, you just waste everybody's time and p--s off the legislator.

If it is any consolation, we are not the only ones who get carried away. An anti-gunner's diatribe to a legislator about exterminating everyone who ever owned a gun changed one vote to our side. The legislator's father had been one of the first GIs into a Nazi concentration camp.
By conversation with my own Arizona State Senator recently, I know this kind of behavior is too common. While I heartily disagreed with his actions a few weeks ago, it was clear that a number of pro-self defense folks had indeed threatened legislators and swore at them. I was disappointed that some of my allies had helped the anti's make their case.

Certainly it is very hard to stand by and watch the lying, half-truths and illogic used by our foes and their legislative cohorts. But we've got to do our best to continue taking the high road in this debate.

Now, I better go before my wife finds out I've got the gall to chastise anyone else for possibly losing their temper ... ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 20, 1999).]