Texas Governor backs teachers packing guns


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From an AP article on MSNBC

"AUSTIN, Texas - Texas Gov. Rick Perry indicated Monday that he supports a school district's decision to allow teachers and staff to pack guns for protection when classes start this month.
Trustees of the Harrold Independent School District approved a policy change last year to allow employees to carry concealed firearms to deter and protect against school shootings.
"There's a lot of incidents where that would have saved a number of lives," Perry said after a news conference in Austin.
Texas law outlaws firearms on school campuses unless specific institutions allow them.
District policy requires a teacher carrying a gun to school to have a Texas concealed handgun license, authorization by the district to carry the weapon, training in crisis management and hostile situations, and ammunition designed to minimize the risk of ricochet.
The 110-student district is 150 miles northwest of Fort Worth, near the Oklahoma border. It has about 50 teachers and staff members.
Asked whether other districts should take similar measures, Perry said, "It's up to those local school districts."
Superintendent David Thweatt has said the small community is a 30-minute drive from the sheriff's office, leaving students and teachers without protection.
Officials researched the policy and considered other options for about a year before approving the policy change, Thweatt said."

Should give the anti gun folks a lot to talk about.
There was another post on this, but, the real issue hasn't been brought up.

First, didn't the Supreme Court overturn the Federal law banning guns in 1995 from schools?

Then, did Congress rewrite the law, and pass another one, so it's against federal law to have a gun on public school property?

That said, is this policy going to contradict a Federal Law, resulting in a Supremacy Clause issue, where the Federal Law trumps a state law?
I think ultimately the district and school admin has final say: it is restricted unless approved by school district
First, didn't the Supreme Court overturn the Federal law banning guns in 1995 from schools?

Yes, the case was United States v. Lopez.

Then, did Congress rewrite the law, and pass another one, so it's against federal law to have a gun on public school property?

Not that I'm aware of. I don't see they could have when the Supreme Court ruled that Congress didn't have that authority. The gist of the ruling is the Court finally said enough with the blatant stretching of the commerce clause to pass whatever law Congress wanted.
Somebody posted something about Congress using the Lopez case as a guide for passing the new law..

Wish I remembered who posted that....:confused: