Texas Girl On Gun Control. Bravo!


A thousand apologies, folks. It turns out this is Suzanna Hupp, she testified over 20 years ago and became a Texas State Representative.
I totally screwed up - I didn't verify the email I received, didn't do my homework and blindly accepted the information.
My apologies!

A friend just forwarded this to me. It is priceless. Sorry if it has been posted before; this is the first time I have seen it.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4069761537893819675 [link fixed --staff]

Here's a video that I guarantee you won't forget anytime soon! She didn't cry, although she came close to losing it, and she gave those a reality check they dearly needed.

Texas girl, Judy Dorsett Tyler, had the encroachment on her second amendment rights so graphically illustrated. The honorable senator from NY, Chuck Schumer, was getting a little uncomfortable in his chair. The room was absolutely dead quiet throughout her testimony and the gun banners (meaning Senators who want to BAN citizens' ownership of all guns) absolutely speechless as this little Texas gal chews them up and spits them out. She knows what the 2nd amendment is really all about. Watch it. You will be glad you did. And pass it along
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Also, searching on her name - brings up the classic video of Dr. Gratia-Hupp testifying - so what's up with this?

I'm going to close this as it is too screwed up and I can't research it now.

If someone wants to figure this out and PM me I will look at it later.

Google Gratia-Hupp and see what I mean.

Thanks for the PM's from folks! Much appreciated.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4069761537893819675 [link fixed - other staff]

This works and it's Dr.Gratia-Hupp. Why some sites refer to Tyler - I have no idea.

It's a dramatic piece. I once talked to Dr. Gratia-Hupp and she was quite the excellent person.

Senator Chuck is amazing in his condescending attitude. Look at the silly folk from the gun/honor culture. If we just took all the guns away, then those silly savages won't hurt each other. Do they serve Chardonnay at Luby's?:mad:

The idea of self-defense is inconceivable to some. :barf:
Neither of those links worked for me, but I found a website that has it embedded rather than on the google website.


That was a really interesting video. I thought my eyes were going to pop out because they were glued to the screen! I've heard too many stories where people say "if there was any time I could have a gun with me, it would be this time." Too many people have said those exact words to me. Even anti-gun people have said that to me. I think it would be irrational to have something like that happen to you and still be against guns.
Fixed both links. For reference, you cannot reliably cut and paste text of a link. If you see a link, you need to right click on it and pick "copy link location". Then you can ctrl+v to insert it into your post.

What happens is that many web applications / html email clients will truncate links when displaying the urls as part of the visible page, so if you cut and paste the text you see on a page, it can be (--is often--) truncated.
Unfortunately though when the argument against "assault rifles have no legitimate self defense/hunting/sporting purpose" is "that isn't the point" what they hear is that you agree there is no legitimate purpose so they will ban them.