Texas CHL process question

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New member
I'm waiting to receive my permit from the state. I understand that the state has 60 days to either issue or deny my permit provided that nothing goes wrong or needs clarification during the 60 day period. About a month ago, the state returned my fingerprints stating that they weren't clear enough. I immediately had new prints made at the Arlington Police Department and sent the new prints along with the old back to the Texas DPS within a few days.

My question is: since this clarification was needed, how much potential time does this add to the permit process? Does the state now have 180 days to process my application?

Any info is appreciated?
Claiming TX residency and having CHL for THE STATE, my only advice is to be patient...

If you have a clean record it is yours...

Follow the rules to a T, they are very LIBERAL all things considered...

The PIECE OF MIND of CHL is good, but keep in mind all factors for your safety & safety of others...


[This message has been edited by James Montes (edited October 21, 1999).]
Claiming TX residency and having CHL for THE STATE, my only advice is to be patient...

If you have a clean record it is yours...

Follow the rules to a T, they are very LIBERAL all things considered...

The PIECE OF MIND that comes with CHL is good, but keep in mind all factors, for your safety & safety of others...

You can basically figure on getting it, if there are no problems, within 4-6 weeks of when they received the new set of prints.

Patience. They are generally pretty good with these permits.

Have you selected a carry weapon yet?

Greetings, sir. You will get your permit. For what it's worth, "time" begins when "they" get your application. It begins again when they get the new print cards. best.
Hey Pipper. I had the exact same situation with my application a couple of weeks ago and also went to the Arlington PD. The lady at the PD said she had redos for other people from my class. Did you take your class at that place on Vickery just south of downtown Fort Worth? She did determine that I had smooth, hard to print fingertips and gave me a letter to send to the state saying just that. - Sleepy
Hey sleepy. I took my class at Pockets Restaurant & Billiards on Hwy 157 in Euless. It sounds like you took your's at Gun World. The lady at Arlington PD said that she thought my original fingerprints looked good and that the DPS person must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed that morning.

I sent my application around 9/1, and the DPS took about 3 weeks to send the bad prints back. I guess I may not see the permit until late November.
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