Texans for Hillary (Groan)


New member
It appears it's a dead heat with Obama & Clinton in Texas. McCain all but has a lock on the presidential election and either he or Richardson will get my vote in the presidential election.

I never thought it would happen but at this point I believe I'll vote against Obama by voting for Clinton in the primary. Between the 2, I believe Obama will do the most damage to my way of life and that Hillary will be more beatable come November.

Right now I believe my vote can be heard better by not who I support but who I vote against. We might be able to turn the tide against Obama and I encourage my fellow Texans to join me.
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Along with everything else we can do to preserve liberty, I suggest praying to whatever deity you pray to for a pro liberty outcome in the Supreme Case of Heller vs D.C.

I also take the current situation politically as a "call to arms" for all of the gunowners and other people who love liberty to get back in the game.

Like your thinking on Hillary. Did the same thing in Delaware myself.
Hate to say it but I really believe she is far less dangerous than Obama. I think he actually believes that removing guns from all of us will give the country hope and stop all crime.

Wonder if he'll let his bodyguards remain armed to protect him? If he truly believes what he spouts he should disarm his entourage first as a gesture of good faith...
On the republican primary ballot, there is a referendum about whether or not to include strict immigration enforcement in the party platform. Somebody please explain to me how will McCain get a message from people voting democrat?
I plan to vote at the last second...probably along with 50 million others. Obama just...scares me. He has all these oratory skills, but nothing to back them up.
He has all these oratory skills, but nothing to back them up.

Nothing, not once have I heard him offer any substance to back up his mantra of 'change'.

I guess he dosen't have to the media sure as heck won't press him for details.