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Test threads are dangerous around here. Don't believe me? Okay. Do this: Go to Suggestions, Questions and Feedback and post the same post. Sit back and watch!

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 06, 2000).]
Proposed test goals and procedures should be submitte in triplicate thirty callandar days prior to requested date. Eye and ear protection must be worn at all time. I do like your new password better tho.
Moving to Suggestions Forum....<evil grin> :D

(God, I kill me!)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Uzi, Sensop is correct in that the S,Q & F forum is not safe on this discussion board. However what he failed to tell you is that is was once perfectly harmless. Then Sensop came and joined out happy flock. He has become the evil gremiln that haunts this forum. Now even a one word post of "test" is no longer safe. Sensop strikes without provocation and never with warning. Always lurking just out of sight waiting for his next hapless victim. ;)
BTW the big green smileys like this: :D seem to set him off in particular. Use them sparingly least you fall victim too. :D :D :D


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Don't listen to Gunslinger...Sensop actually manipulates threads to get the :D :D :D.

Apparently he had an epiphany during his Psyops days and he sincerely believes that the :D :D :D are latent codes from deep level moles

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Ahhh. Testing a new password eh?

Well, when testing a password you must be sure that the test passes testing standards. If a standard test is used, then a passing type test must be passed prior to implementation. If, however, a passing type test is not passed, then you have to test your passing test for passage through standards. Therefore, if a password passes a testing test, then the past test passed the test.

If you don't understand by now, you never will. ;)

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
OMG Jessica now you've went and done it. You should never tease him with those things. Especialy down here in S,Q & F. This the forum where he is his most dangerious. ;)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
(whisper) iseelittlegreengrinninbastidsallaroundmeimustbegoincrazy...........! DC, I thought you were part of the solution around here, not part of the problem!!

LDJ, moooooooooooooooo..................

Gunslinger! As a famous moderator is wont to say, ... little moi?

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 07, 2000).]


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

You, LDJ and DC are instigators! You know what those little green b@stards do to me!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>(God, I kill me!)[/quote]Oh, that is soooo typical!


[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 07, 2000).]
Jeez! You guys get me in SO much trouble!

The 9-1-1 operator just called again.

In the past, when I've cracked up and LMAO or become so angry that I have "vented" (just a touch, mind you), it has scared the neighbors so severely that they have called for the Sheriff to investigate.

After several such incidents, the 9-1-1 dispatcher is familiar with the problem. Now she calls and just asks, "TFL again?"

I answer, "Yes, ma'am. Sorry."

She tells me to knock it off and tells the Deputies and SWAT Team to cancel the code 3 call.

You folks......

(Hey, Sensop! :D !)

It all makes sense now! I understand. Gravity is the problem and the answer. S,Q and F is almost at the bottom of the Forum list. The only things below it are the Staff Lounge (and we all know who hangs out there) and those mercantile forums probably populated by gun show refugees who failed their NICS's tests. There's that word again. More TESTS!

I think it's time to go find some Prozac. After all, its almost 2:00 AM on Friday night. I am no longer responsible for any of the drivel that comes off my keyboard at this hour.


[This message has been edited by JJB (edited April 08, 2000).]
Hmmm, I'm beginning to wonder if all the Cold War rumors of a Manchurian :D aren't true. Could be, could be.
And another thing! Oh no, I'm not done! Here is an example of the uncalled-for abuse we suffer at the hands of the moderators and admins:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Apparently he had an epiphany during his Psyops days and he sincerely believes that the are latent codes from deep level moles[/quote]
Oh! Really!? (An epiphany? What the heck is that?) So, I suppose that just because I seem paranoid that means you're NOT out to get me?! HUH? I think the evidence speaks for itself. He, he.

I'll have you know that I suffer tremendously at the hands of these little green devils and .... Aaaak! (Sorry, had to get a refill, I mean some more medication!) Where was I? Oh yeah ... speakin' of moles ... I have trained my cat to catch moles in the wife's garden and I've seen them! They are little, green and round and they have that s#!t eat'n grin on their faces and they are all gonna die! My wife swears they are young Brussel Sprouts, but me and the cat KNOW! 'Damned dog won't help, though. I think she is an agent. Maybe the wife too. 'Gotta watch her a little closer. The cat attacked and killed a half row of the li'l buggers the other day and she's really p!$$ed at us!

I am NOT paranoid. HA! (timeforanotherrefillthishereisexhausting! grumble ...... paranoid!wellinever!)

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 08, 2000).]