Test run of new scanner.....and old picture....what is it?


New member
Now this is not EXACTLY hunting, even though it was shot, but as it does involve cleaning animals, a unusual animal, and as it is in reality a test run for the new scanner, a scanner from which will come at least a few interesting HUNTING pictures, I figured it would pass muster with the mods.

( And yes, I do think that is a grammatically correct sentence......maybe? )

So what is it?

Emu.......picture is about 20 years old. Kind of a interesting animal in that while the meat looks and tastes like really good venison the muscles are such that it is SIMPLE to remove almost every one individually.

We hatched a bunch for a 4-H project.....and some rea's too.

As for the rotation.......I thought I had fixed it on Photobucket but it did not come through on the post. Don't know why.......but as I now know the direction the scanner works in the rest will be correctly oriented to begin with.

Found a bunch of 20-40 year old pictures to mess with so maybe it will be interesting.
It really isn't up to snuff as a thread anywhere but in the "testing" forum at bottom of list...

But since you are going to put a few old HUNTING pics on this thread from yer new scanner, I will wait a bit before closing this...

As for the Emu muscle structure, you mean each separate segment comes off easily so you never have to deal with "cross grain" cuts with one section more tender than the other?

Yes, each piece comes off as a separate unit. You can arrange it so every one has perfect cross cuts. Cleaned a lot of different animals and this one was really different.

As for the "old" comment..........I was not ALWAYS old.......

The next picture will be of my first bow hog......and yes it was shot in black and white....


You can see the old 72 IH Scout with the spare mounted in the front in the background.

And the bow.....one of those Whitetail Hunters with the metal brackets and the cables you pulled up onto the pulleys when you were ready to use it. Had the trajectory of a howitzer!
Well there's a pig, Hogdogs likes your thread now.

Nice work. I like the old hunting photos. I wish I would have taken more pictures when I was younger. I would have more than just stories.

The whole "bowhunting hogs in the 70's" :D