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Terminology and Image


I understand why the board does not want "SHTF" terminology to be used any more, poor image. Wether or not you agree with being politically correct enough to play along...we should have enough respect for the board owners desire to keep it as they intend, eh?

I propose that the term "SHTF" be synonomous with "General Purpose" (GP), and possibly even be added to the list of used abbreviations. We know what it (could) implies for us, and it brings the board image up a notch. It's win/win that way.

Are you saying that SHTF threads would be OK if we just called them "general purpose" threads? If so, then I entirely disagree because I also think that SHTF threads are boring.

Well, it think the problem lies in the fact that "SHTF" has a VERY broad meaning, and is different for many people.

Do you mean a home invasion by a large # of heavily armed BGs?
Do you mean localized civil unrest?
Do you mean larger scale natural disaster (re: Katrina)
Do you mean breakdown of of social order on a larger scale?
Do you mean breakdown of of social order on a GLOBAL scale?

And, all the differeent scenarios in between (and beyond).

I think that's the biggest problem with these threads, as everyone has a different idea of what SHTF means. (and it may even mean different things to the same person, at different times).
I for one get tired of all the SHTF, zombies, bigfoot, etc BS. I don't think the issue is with wording, rather the idiocy of the same threads being created over and over again with no actual substance. They're not informative, they're childish, and they're extremely repetitive. If SHTF is what you desire, almost any other gun board will accommodate you.
dfaugh gets my meaning I think. To the guys who have SHTF on the brain, they could get their answers without going against the grain of the board (and their wanting to get away from the term itself), by adopting the new term. Lets face it, almost any ammo could be used in any of the scenarios that dfaugh listed. General purpose is just that, general purpose.

Since the mods have suggested the shtf term be dropped, it keeps coming up in threads and titles...I'm just suggesting an alternate term of GP could be used to get ones answers without evoking the negative connotations which come with the original term.
Raggededge is on target.

The problem isn't the terminology. It's how most of the threads went.

"If your city is invaded by vampire Loch Ness monsters from space, would you use a 1911 or an M134 minigun?" is a stupid topic, and make us all look bad as well.
Some of the threads are not too far fetched though.

What if the question was, "Your city was just hit by a level 4 hurricane, and there is no social order for weeks. What do you do to protect yourself?"


"Half of the East Coast just lost electricity for 3 days, what do you do to protect yourself from civil unrest?"

Both of those situations HAPPENED, in the past 5 years. It's not too far fetched to as what people do when something terrible happens. Because terrible stuff, does happen.

As long as the scenarion have some bearing on real life, I don't see a problem with it.
The thing is, senarios like that presented by G-Cym have answers like "get a generator". Most SHTF threads wind up with responses like "I'd dig up the full-auto AK-47 that I bought off the back of a truck and kill anyone that approached my house." These threads are not consistant with the mission of TFL. There are other venues for SHTF senarios. While you are here you will play by Rich's rules.
Go to Survivor's SKS boards for SHTF discussions. My favorite discussion over there right now is "How do you treat strangers in the aftermath of the comming collapse."
Yup a couple of us here most definitely get it and a couple most definitely do not. It's about image to a point. Beyond that it's about noise, as opposed to signal. Childish, time-consuming, non-educational, non beneficial, non-mission related ...did I mention childish? ... okay I see I did, ... okay then, juvenile, distracting, boring, goofy, silly ... fun to some, embarrassing to the rest.

Not going to happen any time soon ... except maybe on a certain holiday. ;)
Googling “SHTF” confirms there is no shortage of venues for fantasy chat.

That this type of chat isn’t allowed here is not necessarily an indicator of a problem in need of a solution.
What if the question was, "Your city was just hit by a level 4 hurricane, and there is no social order for weeks. What do you do to protect yourself?"


"Half of the East Coast just lost electricity for 3 days, what do you do to protect yourself from civil unrest?"

Both of those situations HAPPENED, in the past 5 years.
Yep. And in none of those instances were firearms the main issue for survival. Where guns were an issue, any Plain Jane 1930's vintage revolver or 1890's vintage lever gun would have been enough to handle the situation, if employed by somebody with a brain.

Nobody needed an uber-tac sniper rifle or a Mini-Gun. Not that it's unacceptable or even uncool to own an uber-tac sniper rifle or a Mini-Gun. I think they're both worth owning or, at least, lusting over. But when the discussion becomes whether your Glock, his Winchester or her Ruger will do in a civil breakdown, what you have created is a SHTF scenario (in your mind) and I think very few serious shooters remain in the audience at that point.

YMMV, but I'm the one drivin' this Bus. ;)
while i dont think a SHTF situation is goin to happen(as in Red Dawn), its very much a realistic thought. it can happen. it might happen. who knows? who cares? i know if somethin like that happens, myself and my family will be prepared. does that make it a proper item to discuss on a decent board like this? no. it gives the image of a bunch of gun-brandishin vigilantes that dont have much common sense. however, i feel it is a good thing to be prepared if the SHTF. do i feel the need to talk about it? no.