TERM LIMITS; Fiction or a Message

Paul Revere

New member
There is a best selling novel on the stands today called, TERM LIMITS, by Vince Flynn that all of you should read immediately!

It is a political thriller that you won't be able to put down, and it deals with the harsh realities of modern politics and modern patriots. You will be inspired by its realism and its eye opening plot. And see how We The People implement the following famous quote...

"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." Thomas Jefferson--The Declaration of Independence
I used to be against term limits....unfortunately now I am for them. Too many bad folks get in and stay for years making mischief, outweighing the few good folks getting in.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Ya, the Republicraps came in 1994 with the promise of voting for term limits and you see what Happened. These politicos wont give up their power no matter what they say. Only new political parties in Congress might change this entrenched system,but fat chance we ever will see any viable third or fourth or fifth parties in our congress or that Senate which is nearly completely corrupt. I will definetly vote third party again as usual but i am afraid it will be anther win for the ONE Party system.
Ill choose not to get into that one party mess again....lol.......we all know were we stand......
I used to be against the term limits as well, I saw them as a way of limiting the americans people's choice of represenative. Since the "system" is controlled in many ways which actually limit and direct the choices and opinions of the american people I have changed my mind.
I still dont know if it will really help, once the politicians are thrown out by term limits that would seem to leave a great deal of authority in the hands of non-elected bureacrats---although I wonder how much and if we could live with that.
I think the system is flawed greatly at this point in time and term limits might be a good move to correcting some of the problems.
The real issues could be implementing it, in such a magnitude that it could be effective. We are still fighting the government(liberal) press and that is a topic we need to address and find a way to either bring them around or destroy either them or their control.......
The only option is surrender and Im not ready to quit.........a slightly parapharased quote from a Captain of an Revolutionary war frigate--(i forget if it was the Constitution or the Constellation)....when the british asked for his surrender after pelting his ship he replied....."i have not yet begun to fight", I think we pro-2nd amendment have waitied long enuf----lets defeat the bastards....fubsy.
Wait a minute folks, this thread is not about our traditional "term limits" in political offices, this is about the book "TERM LIMITS", by Vince Flynn.

This is why I'm recommending that you all READ it. The term limits in this book are determined by a group of American patriots who use "assasins" (U.S. Military Delta Force Commandos) to end the political careers of corrupt politicians, demanding of the remaining members thereafter a return of our system as our Founding Fathers planned.

Although I do not agree with assasinations as a way to reclaim our government from these corrupt usurpers, it does however provide for an interesting read. The book will motivate your blood pressure and your soul. The idea that many Americans will read this book which exposes the corruption of our present day system (through fiction), and throws a twistedly positive light on the patriots who would change things, is something worth making noise about.
Rog that Ed.
Seems like today even the good ones get caught up in the massive government that we have paid for. Anyone ever figure out how long it will be before we are all employed by the GOVERNMENT and the taxes or lower wages just boil down to zero!

Please not to worry my friends. I'm just on a roll tonight and I will call it a day. My wife say's for me not to bother you kind folks right now and for me to sign off whatever that is.

The TERM LIMITS in the book are much like the term limits I prefer, 3/4" Manila hemp rope and an electric/telephone pole + one politician per pole.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Well, I just went to Amazon.com and ordered TERM LIMITS and THE MITZVAH by L. Neil Smith.

I'll give a report on the book by L. Neil when I can.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
John Paul Jones,who apparently said "I have not yet begun to fight" was an interesting character. His name really wasnt Jones either.
We really do have to regain control of this runaway force or farce we call government of the people etc.
We need some modern day heroes!

Better days to be,

Paul Revere,
Guess I got carried away.....I was responding more to DC's post than the thread.....Ill chk out that book, and tks....
Ed Brunner,
tks for clearing that up......Im trying to figure out now if it was John paul Jones or not......that history class was a long time ago...lol....tks much,,,fubsy.